Chp 6

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After a week

Ayan and manik woke as the doorbell was continuously ringing making them groan as they had a hungover.

Manik stumbled out of bed and made his way to the door, groaning as he opened it to reveal Navya standing on the other side

Hey manik, get ready we have to leave as my parents have invited you for dinner

Manik rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off his hangover. "Navya, I don't think I can make it. I'm not feeling well," he said, his voice groggy.

Navya's face fell. "But Manik, my parents have been eagerly waiting to meet you. Please, just try to make it," she pleaded, her eyes pleading.

Manik sighed, feeling guilty. "Okay, okay. I'll come. Just give me some time to freshen up," he said, closing the door and making his way back to his room.

Ayan, who had been listening, shook his head

"Manik, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Just tell her the truth," he said, his voice urgent.

Manik groaned. "I know, Ayan. But I don't want to hurt her as I have already informed her that I'm not interested in this relationship. And anyways I'm going to talk to dad today.

Ayan nodded. "Alright, just be careful and don't let her manipulate you into doing something you don't want to do," he warned, his voice serious.

Manik nodded and they got ready for their office.

In Malik mansion

Nandini was getting ready when she felt her head spinning. She sat down on the bed, trying to take deep breaths and calm herself down.

From past two three days she wasn't feeling well and she hadn't informed Raima or Heer about it.

She drank water and got up feeling a little better as had to attend a meeting and she couldn't miss it.

She went towards her car and reached her office.

She was sitting in her cabin when her PA came and informed that the client has arrived

Nandini took a deep breath and composed herself before heading out to meet the client. As she walked into the meeting room, she was greeted by a handsome man with piercing blue eyes. He introduced himself as Aditya, the CEO of the company they were meeting with.

The meeting went on smoothly and as she made her way to her cabin, Nandini felt a sudden wave of nausea hit her. She stumbled into the washroom and threw up, feeling weak and dizzy.

She took some water and washed her face

Heer who came inside looked at nandini's state and rushed to her.

Heer called her name and nandini looked at her but before she could say anything her vision blured and

she fainted. Heer caught her just in time and called for help and took her to a hospital.

When Nandini opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a hospital bed with Heer sitting next to her, holding her hand.

"Heer, what happened?" Nandini asked, feeling disoriented.

Before Heer could answer the doctor came inside and said

You are pregnant Ms Malik. Congratulations! But you need to be cautious and take good care of yourself from now on.

Nandini's eyes widened in shock as the doctor's words sank in. She was pregnant. She felt a mix of emotions - happiness, fear, excitement, and confusion. How was she going to handle this? How was she going to tell the father?

Heer squeezed her hand gently. "Nandu, it's going to be okay. We'll figure this out together," she said, her voice reassuring.

As the doctor went out nandini looked at Heer and touched her belly, her eyes filling with tears. "Heer, I'm going to be a mother. There's a life growing inside me

Heer smiled at her seeing her friend's happiness

Are you going to inform Manik?" Heer asked, her tone gentle.

"Yes, I have to tell him. He deserves to know," she said,

But nandu now you have to take care of yourself and the baby. You need to prioritize your health and make sure you're getting the best care possible," Heer advised, her voice full of concern.

Nandini nodded,and they left the hospital together, with Nandini lost in thought about the future. She knew she had to tell Manik about the baby, but she was scared of how he would react. Would he be happy? Would he be angry? Would he even want to be a part of the child's life?

She took a deep breath and decided to face the truth head-on.

They drove back to Malik mansion and saw Anita Ahuja, Navya's mother and Saad and nandini's aunt ordering the butler something while Raima was sitting on the couch with a bored face

whats going on bhabhi? Nandini asked Raima

Nothing some special guests are coming and from morning she has been giving orders to everyone," Raima replied, rolling her eyes.

Nandini nodded and Heer took her to her room Nandini lay down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling

Heer sat down next to her, her expression still full of concern. "Nandu, are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft.

Nandini sighed. "I don't know, Heer. I'm happy, but I'm scared. How am I going to handle this alone? And how am I going to tell Manik?" she said, her voice trembling.

Heer took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You won't be alone, Nandu. You have all of us. And as for Manik, he deserves to know. You have to tell him," she said, her voice stern.

You're right, Heer. I'll tell him. I just hope he understands," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Heer hugged her tightly, offering her comfort. "He will, Nandu. I know he will," she murmured, her voice soothing.

Nandini took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She knew what she had to do. She had to tell Manik about the baby and deal with whatever the consequences were. She just hoped that he would be supportive and understanding.

Character Sketch
Navya Ahuja
She thinks that Manik loves her as their families have fixed their marriage.
She is a socialite who loves to party and has a carefree attitude towards life.
Is a nice person but sometimes can be manipulative and selfish when it comes to her own desires.

Raj and Naisha Malhotra
Raj is a businessman and Naisha runs a NGO and they are Manik's parents.
He has high expectations for his son and wants him to take over the family business.
Raj is strict and controlling, which sometimes puts a strain on his relationship with Manik.

Just a One Night Standحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن