The worst part was, if she was going in, so was Finnick, and she knew that. Clearly the Capitol didn't think this family had dealt with enough, because they were sending them back into the Games to die.

Finnick held her hand on the way to the reaping, because he knew what she was going to do. A little while after she'd left his house, he came to find her, trying to stop her, she'd replied with what choice do I have? And she was right. She hadn't told anyone else, not Annie, not Mags, because they'd probably try to stop her too.

Dewda didn't even look sad. She looked pleased to see her victors again. So proud of them, always. Not a single one of them was smiling, not a single one happy to see her again. Kallan stood with the women, looking around. There were only four of them, why? Muscida was missing. She looked everywhere, looked in the audience, but she wasn't there. Her heart pounded.

"Where's Muscida?" She asked Dewda, before they began. Dewda's classic capitol smile faltered. Kallan stared her down, wanting an answer.

"She is unable to join us," Dewda said, which Kallan didn't buy. She grabbed Dewda's arm.

"She has to," she was so clearly clinging to the little chance she had of not going back to that arena.

"Kallie," she heard Annie's voice from somewhere behind her, but she wasn't stopping.

"They said, regardless of age, regardless of health-"

"She died this morning," Dewda snapped under her breath, as a Peacekeeper forced Kallan back, forcing her hand off of the escort. Kallan felt a lump in her throat. She didn't know Muscida well, if at all, but that wasn't the issue. Now the issue was that there was a 75% chance of her going into the Games. A one in four chance. Her world slowed, as Mags rubbed her arm. She looked over at Finnick, completely ignoring Dewda's welcome to the district. He saw the deep fear in her eyes. It was returned in his.

"As usual, ladies first," Dewda walked over to the bowl. It only had four names. If any one but Librae's was called, it was over. Kallan watched with a pounding heart as Dewda put her hand back in the bowl, but this time she watched from the stage. Dewda didn't waste as much time. She reached in, and grabbed a name, then pulled it out. In her stupid blue heels she walked back over to the microphone, and opened the envelope. Kallan could already hear her name, just like she had 3 years ago. The very same Kallan Odair, Kallan...Odair.

"Annie Cresta!"

Yeah, that wasn't any better. Finnick's fear was palpable; it was emanating across the entire courtyard. He didn't even have to ask Kallan to do it, in fact he'd rather do anything else. Annie let out a sob, thinking she'd have to go back in. Kallan didn't want to resent her for it. But out of the corner of her eye she saw something else. Mags, who was standing on her other side, went to raise her hand. She hardly let Kallan even breathe before she tried to volunteer. Kallan's hand was faster, she reached forward and grabbed Mags' hand, forcing it back down to her side.

"I volunteer." It was calm, it didn't even sound like herself. Because in what crazy fucked up world would she volunteer to re-enter hell. "I volunteer as tribute," Kallan said, setting herself back in her voice. Mags turned and looked at her, tears in her eyes.

"No," she whispered, quietly begging her daughter not to go. "No, no," Mags reached for her, lightly placing her hands on her face. Kallan briefly closed her eyes, then she pulled away. She walked to the center towards Dewda. She stared blankly at the crowd ahead of her, all of them entirely silent. You could hear a pin drop. Dewda didn't even bother telling the crowd their tribute's name, they knew.

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