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Love is a feeling of affection. An intense feeling of affection. Many people experience this feeling, but not very few don't. There are several reasons: they chose not to commit to a relationship, they're simply not ready for one, and so on.

But in these two women's case, their love is forbidden.

We live in a society where very few people would support homosexual relationships. Most the times, even a child's own parents wouldn't support them if they came out of the closet.

The two could feel they were meant to be, but there are many things stopping them. As they are successful figures, they are well known, not only in Korea, but also internationally. Their achievements would often be hot topics on internet sites.

With all that, it was clear to tell that no one was expecting both of them to have a relationship, regarding the comments they usually get.


"When are u gonna get in a relationship, Yej?" The girl's best friend, Lia asked her.

"Why?" She returned the question.

"Don't u feel like it's time for u to have a little freedom? Don't u feel curious about love?"

To be frank, the woman did. However, thinking about the people she often came across at bars or clubs, she thought otherwise. She didn't want to be caught up in a relationship built off of lust, she just knew there are a lot of lustful people out there, it would be hard to find one that's not.

"I don't know, Jisu. There are a lot of bad people out there, u know that," she replied, bringing up a point.

"But aren't u curious about the good ones??" The woman persistently asked.

She was. But knowing her best friend's tactics, it's better not to give in.

"Nope," she replied.

"Aw, you're no fun," Lia whined like a child, despite being a grown adult.


The half of Yeji's day passed peacefully as Lia had to deal with some client that was apparently being a Karen. Unlike Yeji, her day was definitely not peaceful.

"What's this?" Yeji mumbled to herself, clicking into an email she just received.

To: Hwang Yeji

Hello. Hope this email isn't bothering your schedule. We are thinking of having you be our lead actress in our upcoming movie. It would be great if you could agree, please consider the role.

"A movie?" She wondered out loud. She sent the email to her manager, asking her to find out more about it.

It was weird. Normally movie producers would email her manager if they wanted to hire her as a cast. She's never agreed to them, though.

Her manager soon updated her about the details of the movie. It was a lesbian romance movie.

Her eyes widened. She couldn't deny the fact that she was into her same gender, but filming this type of movie in Korea, a country that doesn't support homosexual relationships, it's just insane.

Yeji thought for awhile, contemplating whether or not she should agree to it. Although, she has to admit, the description of the movie does seem quite enticing.

Deciding to think about it later, she told her manager to keep the position on hold before plopping down on her bed, sinking into the silky sheets of the king bed.

It was quite a big bed, considering she was the only one sleeping in it. Lia would sometimes sleep over, filling the empty spot, but that was it.

She thought for awhile, Lia does have a few attractive features, but she's never really been attracted to her in any way. Hell, she's never been attracted to anyone in her 23 years of existence.

Dating wouldn't really be convenient for her, considering her career, but she would kill to try it. And yet here she was, wasting away her only off day of the month.

Sighing, she sat up, deciding to grab a quick take out for lunch before returning to the welcoming environment of her house, too lazy to head out again.

Settling down by her dining table, she opened the pack of Chinese food—that was quite pricey—and pulled her phone out, scrolling through Instagram as she ate.

She came across quite an interesting post, an attractive one, if she might add.



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shin.ryu set was fun



The first time Hwang Yeji ever felt attracted to someone, the first time she ever found someone she was interested in, was through an Instagram post. How ironic.

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