||> Why do I feel so.. nervous? <||

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Hii! This is my first Wattpad book, hope you like it!
Btw, I haven't read all event stories yet, so I might mess up something! I have read the main story though!
I do make a lot of characters in my free time, so I already have some experience in storywriting!


A/N: Idk the artist of the art on the top pls tell me so I can credit them or change it :(
Wednesday, 5:58 A.M.

"..No.. no, no, no, no, NO!—" Tsukasa's alarm sets off. Tsukasa gets startled & wakes up in a cold sweat."Geez.. what kind of nightmare was that?! I hope it wasn't some kind of message or something. That scared the living crap out of me.." He says. "..AH! I better get ready! Come on, don't keep babbling around here! Get yourself together!" Just then, his younger sister, Saki, opens the door. "Tsukasa! Get up— ..Huh?" Saki says. "Oh!— H-hey, Saki! What-what is it?" Tsukasa says while brushing his teeth in the bathroom. "Hey! What's the rush? I just came to tell you I made breakfast." Saki says while looking at Tsukasa brushing his teeth. "Y- yeah, alright! I- I'll just be there in a second!" Tsukasa replied. "Hm.. okay then.." She goes back to the kitchen. "Something's up with him.. did he get those nightmares again..? Should I comfort him?" She says with worry. Just when she was walking to Tsukasa's room, he opens his door & gets out. "Wh- AHH!" Saki gets startled. "AH! Sorry Saki, I didn't see you there..." He says & scratches the back of his head while laughing sheepishly. "Hey, it's fine.. I just wanted to ask.. why are you acting so nervous & stuff all of the sudden? It's definitely not normal of you to act like this.." Saki says while sitting down at the table. "Oh, it's nothing, really!.." He says while eating his food. "Are you sure..? You can talk to me if anything's on your mind, you know." "Th-thanks, Saki.. but I'm really alright." He says & finishes eating. "Wow, you're pretty fast, aren't you?" She giggles. "Okay, I'll see you later!" "B-bye, Saki!" Tsukasa leaves the house for school.

At School
Tsukasa arrives at school. "~Huff.. huff...~ I've arrived!" He says while heading to his classroom. "(I wonder.. why did I get that nightmare about her, though..? W-wait.. why am I even being TOO worried for her?! It's just a nightmare, Tsukasa!)" He thinks to himself while bumping into Rui. "Ah, I'm very sorry, Tsukasa! I didn't see where I was going.. are you alright?" Rui says, helping him up. "Y- yeah! I'm good!" He says it nervously. "Hm.. you look pretty nervous right now.." Rui says. "Well, uh.." Just as Tsukasa was gonna say what it was, the bell rang. "Oh, time for my class, I guess! I'll see you at lunch!" He walks to his classroom. "Oh, alright.." Rui replied, heading to his own class.


A/N: cliffhanger baby

Anyways sorry for it being short, I'll work on the next part soon!

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