6 . Elevator .

Depuis le début

I locked my bedroom door and I unzipped the bag.

The outfit was really good and I would say practical in the cold.

I wore it and the skirt fit me like a glove. The slit showed my long legs. I don't know why, but i felt comfortable in it. I never thought so that I would feel confident in skirts that are skin tight.

I didn't have much ass but the proportion of the shirt, balanced out my figure.

I opened the door and she was on my sofa having doritos.  She saw me and her jaw dropped and I blushed.

"I knew this outfit had your name on it when I saw it" and I giggled.

"C'mon, lets finish out up the outfit with makeup and hair"

And in the next 15 minutes, I was ready.

I really felt good. And more confident.

And with that, the clock struck at 6 and bell rung. My heart started to beat fast.

"Hey, calm down, it will be ok. You will be ok" and I smiled at her reassurance.

"Ill open up" she said as she left the room and I looked at myself again.

My skin had turned red and pink due to anticipation from meeting him.

The way this man had effect on my body seemed unhealthy and too fast.

I hope it just doesn't run over me.

I heard the door open and both of them exchange pleasantries.

And I walked out.

And boy, he was so handsome.

How did I even end up meeting him?

When he saw me, he stopped talking to her and just looked at me.

Both of your eyes met, and I felt all giddy in my stomach.

"Hi" I said.

He walked towards me and lifted my hand and kissed it.

He gave me a beautiful boutique of tulips and I gasped.

"Thank you" I said as I smelled the flowers. They felt fresh and it sort of smelled like him.

"Both of you are getting late. Wi, hand me the flowers, Ill put em in a vase" and I handed her the flowers.

"Thank you" I said and she winked at me.

"Lets go?" He asked and he put out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and he lead me outside and we went to the elevator. He then clicked on parking which is in the basement and for some reason, my heart dropped.

After all I was going to a secluded area with a man I hardly knew.

What was I even doing?

I should be ashamed of myself.

And suddenly, I couldn't breathe, I felt suffocated.

I felt tears coming out and my legs gave out.

My past will forever stay with me and never go away.

I fell on the floor and I heard my name being called constantly.

I was rubbing my chest in some hopes to breathe.

"Winnie look at me please" a set of warm hands grabbed me softly and I opened my eyes to be met with his beautiful eyes.

" Good girl, now breathe with me"

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