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As the sunny day came to an end, with perfect weather and the shop bustling with customers, Ashley couldn't have asked for anything better.

"Thanks for coming, sir," Ashley said with a smile, handing over the takeout order the customer had just paid for. He was the last customer of the day, as it was already nine pm, two hours past closing time for her cafe cum restaurant.

Exiting the shop, Ashley switched off all the lights and made sure all the appliances were turned off after having already cleaned the place. She securely locked the door. She stands in front of the place, the signboard reading "Roover's" placed in front of the shop, its beige walls and a glass door with wooden framing exuding a welcoming vibe.

Settling into her car, she drove off, enjoying her favorite song playing on the radio.
Even though it was late, the roads were congested with traffic. Ashley found herself stuck in a frustrating traffic jam, much like the morning rush.

"Not again," she muttered in annoyance.

Manually sliding open her window, she observed the unusual gloom that filled the surroundings. Typically, people would be shouting and honking their horns continually. But here she was, surrounded by an unusual silence.

She glanced at the car beside her, and to her surprise, there was no driver in the driver's seat. She blinked in disbelief.

"No one?" she questioned, closing her eyes and pinching her arm to ensure she wasn't dreaming. Unfortunately, it wasn't a dream; a driver-less car stuck in traffic was a reality she was to accept.

She looks into another nearby car, only to find it empty as well. She should have been freaking out, wondering how these cars were stuck in the traffic without drivers. But she tries to stay calm, still unable to believe what she just saw.

She stepped out of her car, anxious about what awaited her. What if ghosts were behind the wheel of these cars? Standing near her car door, she surveyed the vehicles behind hers, straining her eyes to see as far as possible. Once again, there was no one to be seen. Did this mean she was surrounded by multiple cars without drivers or anyone at all in them?
She had to accept the unsettling truth, that she was indeed all alone at this moment.

Overwhelmed by the situation, she steps back in her car and reaches for her phone, intending to call her sister, who lives in the same city.

But for her, unfortunately, her sister's number was unreachable. She tried repeatedly, calling her sister, then her friend Maya, and even her mother and father. Each attempt resulted in the same response-no one picked up.

"Where did everyone go?"
she questioned aloud, unable to take in the surreal situation she was stuck in.
She was sitting inside her car, which is surrounded by hundreds of other empty cars, and with no one answering her calls, she was filled with countless unanswered questions.

She steps out of her car once more, clutching her bag, car keys, and phone, walking amidst the deserted cars, she made her way to the sidewalk, determined to reach her distant home.

The emptiness was both bewildering and unsettling, she couldn't see anyone, not even a cat or a dog or any birds. No sight of life beside hers.

She continued walking, and after what felt like an hour, she reached the spot where the traffic jam had originated-a terrifying sight greeted her. An accident had occurred, with a car crushed beneath a truck, bits of plastic scattered across the area. It was a horrifying scene; the mangled car and the damaged truck made it seem impossible for anyone in either vehicle to have survived.

However, to her astonishment, there was no sign of blood or gore at the scene.

"Am I in a movie or something?"
she mumbles in surprise, unable to comprehend the absence of any blood. It seemed highly unusual given the severity of the accident.



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