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⚠️mentioned of suicide And mental health issues ⚠️
James POV
I regained consciousness my mum was sat by my bed and I didn't want to talk about it i really didn't want to be a burden I was discharged from medical and I went to my dorm

Principal weems : james wait we need to talk

I just kept walking I didn't want to talk about it I went to a place I found in the school I don't think anyone knew about the place I hid away from everyone and I didn't go to any of my lessons
I looked down at my arm I felt really disappointed in myself I reset my sober streak trying not to cry they regret was starting to set in

James mind : should I go talk to her what if she is angry with me

Principal Weems POV
I went to my office and called dr kinbott to see
If I could get and emergency session with her for James after his suicide attempt

The phone rings

Dr. Kinbott: Hello, this is Dr. Kinbott speaking.

Principal Weems: Hello, Dr. Kinbott. This is Principal Weems. I'm calling about James He attempted suicide a day ago and has regained consciousness today

Dr. Kinbott: Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that. Is he okay?

Principal Weems: He's is okay now but obviously this is a very serious situation. James has been struggling with his mental health for a while now as you know due to his previous session with you
And I don't know how to help him

Dr. Kinbott: I understand. What can I do to help?

Principal Weems: We're hoping to get James into an emergency therapy session as soon as possible. We want to make sure he has the support he needs to get through this difficult time.

Dr. Kinbott: Of course. I'll see what I can do to get him in as soon as possible.

Principal Weems: Thank you so much, Dr. Kinbott. We really appreciate your help.

Dr. Kinbott: No problem at all. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.

Principal Weems: Will do. Thanks again for your help.

Dr. Kinbott: You're welcome. Take care.

Principal Weems: You too.

I ended the call and I heard a knock at my door to my office

James POV
An hour past I decided I would I walked up to her office I got to the door and tears filled my eyes I knocked on the door

Principal weems : come in

I walk in so scared

James : I'm sorry I'm so sorry

I could feel my legs get weak as I cried my eyes out
Principal weems came and hugged me

Principal weems : sh sh sh sh its okay I've got you you have nothing to be sorry about your struggling and that's okay its perfectly fine but I don't want you going the this alone

We sat down she got a tissue and wiped my tears away gave me a glass of water

James : i don't know what I was thinking i just felt so numb and I was as having a bad mental health day and I should have told you i just didn't want to be even more of a burden than I already am

Principal weems : you could never be a burden you are a very talented and amazing person you can always talk to me I will always listen no matter what you are so strong and I'm so proud of you for coming to talk to me

I smile I had never been told that someone was proud of me I was shocked

Principal weems : I have put in some access arrangements because of recent events and I don't want you to be annoyed but you are going to be off time table for the rest of the week and .... you will stay in my office and a staff member will have to be with you at all times

I look at her and smiled

James : thank you for caring

Principal weems : of course I'm always here right these arrangements start immediately so why dont we go grab some thing for you to do while you are down here

We went up to my dorm and I grabbed some of my stuff

Principal weems trans son Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz