and a few messages.

chad: 2 new messages
mindy: 1 new message
ryan: 5 new messages
ethan: 10 new messages

i open ryan's messages first to let him know where we were at, since my poor brother is probably freaking out thinking something happened to me.

ryan: let me know when you guys get to the station.
ryan: be safe pls!!!
ryan: share ur location with me rn.
ryan: Y/N?? why aren't u answering ??

me: hey ry sorry for the late response. me, tara and sam are in the police station, quinn's dad is asking us questions. don't freak out but ghost face is back and he attacked us. don't worry, we are safe tell mindy and chad. see you in a bit, love you 🤓

ryan is typing...


i open up ethan's messages and woah did he spam me alot.

ethan: hey Y/N :) how's it going over there ?
ethan: just checking in, you were a bit nervous earlier... i'm here if you need anything <3
ethan: Y/N ?
ethan: are you okay ?
ethan: ok your scaring me...
ethan: text me when you can :)
* 4 messages were unsent *

i smile down at my screen as i read over the messages he sent me. tara notices and looks down at my phone.

"woah, you have the poor boy desperate." she smirks, "what? no it's not like that. plus my brother, chad and mindy were also worried."

ethan is typing...

he stops and doesn't say anything. "you see?" she smiles at me, my face going red.

"wait is that..?" sam gets up.

me and tara look at each other before getting up and following her.

"kirby?" sam says sounding surprised as she approaches and hugs her, "hey sam."

"tara, Y/N." she says looking over at us.

"your with the FBI?" sam asks, "mhm."

"you guys know each other?" detective bailey asks them, "yeah we went to high school together. she was a senior and i was a freshmen." sam answers him.

"we share a certain history." kirby responds.

as they are going over the case, i step to the side away from them and pull out my phone from my pocket, going back to ethan's messages.

me: hey, we're okay. ❤️

not even seconds later he began typing again.

ethan is typing...

ethan: omg thank goodness.. your brother told us what happened... did he hurt you ?

me: i mean other than him grabbing me and failing to stab me, he did not lay one finger on me :)

ethan is typing...

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