~Scouting problems~

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Time skip ( the original movie age)
Thoughts |~|

Time skip ( the original movie age)Neyteym:15Kiri:14Lo'ak:14Tuk:8Amelia:6Thoughts |~|

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(This is Amelia but imagine her as a child with no scars) credits to artists

{Amelia pov}

"Tuk, come back my legs are to short" I said excitedly. "No, I won't let you get me" Tuk said, sticking out her tongue at me before running off again.

We were playing for 2 hours until the war party came back, but in the meantime we passed or dodged anyone in are way as we played tag.

Meanwhile Kiri was having interactions with spider until she heard us running everywhere. She looked up and shouted "Both of you stop running everywhere, before you get hurt" Kiri said in a worried tone. "We won't" Tuk said while laughing. I was about to tag Tuk, when I bumped into someone.

"Oof- oh I'm very sorry sir" I said. The adult ometakyain just "tch" walking away. I just stared at him walking off |Why was he so rude? Anyway I need to find Tuk|

While I was looking for Tuk I spotted her with Kiri. I ran to them, "Kiri!" I said in a happy tone while hugging her. "Ami the war party is back! They are back!" Tuk said ready to see her parents and brothers. "Okay come on let's go find them" I said while humming. We headed off holding hands.

Me and Tuk ran to dad and mom, but we soon stop when we saw lo'ak and Neyteym being talked to.

I waited and blocked out a few of the voices until dad said "You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys and you call them in. From a distance! Does any of this sound familiar?" Jake said lecturing them.

Me and Tuk ignored dads words and went to check on Lo'ak wounds. While Kiri did the same going to Neyteym side seeing his wounds.

Dad started to speak to Kiri "Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded". I just stood there feeling bad for my brothers getting lectured. Until Kiri said "My brother is wounded."

"Tuk can we go to grandmother, I don't wanna stay here with them arguing" I whispered to Tuk. "Okay Ami" Tuk whispered with a sweet tone.

Me and Tuk headed off to grandmother Mo'at tent. "Grandma can I learn about herbs?" I asked since I was sad about my brothers being injured.

"Of course young one" Grama Mo'at said with a gentle smile. While Grama Mo'at was teaching me about herbs until Neyteym, Kiri, spider and Lo'ak came inside.

"Aw, a little kiss on your boo-boo" Spider said playfully to Neyteym who was whining about his injuries. Kiri and Grama had a little conversation about yalnabark. While me and Tuk were talking to Lo'ak, and got a idea to make him some medicine.

Me and Tuk got some herbs, we soon started putting them in a bowl while stirring it with water. "Lo' this for you. Me and Tuk made this for you. So eat up! " I said the nickname I gave him with a demanding tone.

"Yeah! And if you don't eat it me and Ami would beat you up" Tuk said with determination and trying to look scary. Lo'ak just stared at us thinking how will he will get jumped

"Anyway, I would love the medicine you both made for me" Lo'ak said with a smile that was genuine for his little sister's.

"Come on Tuk! Let's get him" I said jumping on lo' tickling him while laughing. Tuk joined in to saying "Haha, you're getting jumped!" "Not on my watch" Neyteym said picking me up and start tickling me. Making me sound like a hyena.

"We're joining to!" Spider said bringing Kiri into the tickle war. "Bet! I'll beat you skywing" Kiri said tickling the shit out of spider.

The rest of the day was a tickle war until eclipse came were everyone was asleep in Grama Mo'at tent.

Neytiri and Jake saw the whole interactions and glad everyone was okay. While Grama Mo'at was glad that everyone was happy and healthy, but she had some tired kids in her hut.

{_The Youngest Sully_} Discontinued for nowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ