introducing herself

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I’m Cheyenne, a Korean who was born in the USA but was raised here in South Korea. We are leaving the country to go to the Philippines, and our plan is to stay there for a month to explore and enjoy.
Well, actually, the main reason why we are going there is because my dad always planned to retire there, and his wife is also from there. Yes, you’ve read it right—his wife and I didn’t say my mom. She’s my stepmom, whom my dad married in recent years. I didn’t really like her from the beginning. I also never got to know her and bond with her before because I also rarely met her because she lives in the Philippines and is not with us here in SKorea.
She only got to be with us when my little sister came last month. Yes, I have a little sister, but it’s not my stepmom’s. It’s not her biological child because it’s an IVF child born via surrogacy, and she’s not also the one who bore my baby sister. As far as I know, she doesn’t want to continue her bloodline, but she wants to be a parent. That’s why she supported my dad's plan to give me a sibling.
My mom was not the one who raised me; she was not present in my life. Growing up, I only had my dad as a parent. But I can’t also say that my dad raised me and was present when I was growing up because he was such a busy man and I rarely had the chance to be with him. I can say that my mom abandoned me.
About my personal life, my own life, I don’t know. It seems like I enjoy my life because I get the things I want and my father is a wealthy businessman, but I lack love. I’m just living without knowing what my purpose is, what I want to do, or what I’m really up to in life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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