"Stay?" Meg repeated, surprised.

She's surprised since Miles never lets her stay around whenever she's around when he's confronting a bad guy (not that she sticks around either.)

"Yeah, stay and watch the show," Miles said, grinning.

Meg looked back at the bad guy again. He didn't have a face and was all white except for the black moving spots on his body. He didn't look particularly intimidating, but she knew that looks could be deceiving. "Are you sure he's harmless?" she asked, still feeling uncertain.

Miles nodded confidently. "Yeah, he's pretty incompetent. I've dealt with worse."

Miles walked (upside down) closer to Meg, inches from her face before leaning down to her ear. "Also are you still coming to my family's get together to congratulate my dad on his promotion on soon to being Captain?" He whispered, and it took Meg a second to register his words due to their close proximity before nodding.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll be there." She answered Miles, looking everywhere but into his eyes (well, eye mask.)

"Good." Miles smiles and for some reason not noticing Meg's flustered state. "Because I wanna talk to you about something."

Meg watched as Miles disappeared over the shelf, swinging on his webs to confront The Spot. She couldn't help but wonder what he wants to talk to her about during his dad's party. Despite this, she enjoyed watching Miles and The Spot struggle against each other, which ended with Miles accidentally moving back onto a pineapple and getting his own web on his face which he tried to take off causing him to stumble outside.


Meg walked into her dorm room after her last class for the day finished. "Sup, Barbara." She greeted her roommate Barbara Rodriguez.

Barbara is a friendly Latina girl with curly black hair and a warm smile. She often wears bright and colorful clothes that reflect her bubbly personality. Meg often shares her pink beanies with Barbara, who always wears them with great enthusiasm.

Her and Barbara got along pretty good. At first when Meg still a loner (though she still considers herself one, since she only talks to Miles and Barbara.) due to her keeping to herself that caused Barbara keep to herself but the second Meg attempted to talk to Barbara, Barbara was more than ready to talk to her.

Barbara was on the top bunk putting eyeliner on with one hand and her makeup mirror in the other hand. "Hey chica, you doing anything?" Barbara asked. Meg was leaning against the door, kicking off her Jordans when she looked up at Barbara. Barbara closed her makeup mirror, done with putting on eyeliner. "I was thinking you could join me and my friends in going roller skating today. One of my friends canceled on us and we need one more person to fill in."

Meg shook her head at the offer, and kicked off her Jordan's. She walks over to her dresser to change out of her uniform. "Sorry, I can't. I'm going to Miles family's get together. He invited me first." She informed while she digs through her dresser until she finds a cute outfit for the get together to change out of her uniform with.

Barbara frowned in disappointment. "Oh okay, I'll just ask Jill if she wants to come instead." She says, pulling out her phone to probably text Jill. Meg pulls out a cute green crop top out of her dresser and stares at it. Hmm, this with jeans would look cute. She puts the green crop top on her shoulder before searching for a denim jeans. "I forgot he's your boyfriend." Barbra admitted.

Meg paused in searching for a denim jeans. She furrow her eyebrows at Barbra. "Miles?" She asks and Barbara nods. Meg goes back to her dresser. "He's my uh...I don't know." She mumbled, before finally finding a denim jean and putting that on her other shoulder.

LONER, miles moralesWhere stories live. Discover now