Starfire: who shines the brightest ?

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Koriand'r, aka Starfire, had an intense verbal fight with her boyfriend Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing. So, the orange-skinned Tamaran woman has gone out alone on a nearby beach to walk; her indescribable, beautiful emerald eyes are full of tears as the full moon's light glows on the water.

While she walks barefoot on the sand, she feels a little soothed as the pulverized rock touches her long blue jeans and her soles. She's lost in a train of thoughts, reminiscing about her glory years with the rest of the New teen titans, until a familiar and cruel voice interrupts the whole thing.

"My, my, isn't it Starfire ?" jeers Arthur Light, aka the infamous Doctor Light. "What the heck are you doing here ?" asks angrily Kory. "You know the reason: you Titans and costumed freaks humiliated me countless of times. So, I told myself: no more will Arthur Light suffer at the hands of puny heroes." cackles the loser while firing beams of white light towards the woman. "Ok Light you want a fight, THEN COME GET SOME !!!" yells the heroine princess while dodging the beams.

She starts flying upwards as a red streak appears under her long, curly hair. Then, she quickly fires green starbolts towards Doctor Light, who is hit in the chest. "Ow, that hurts you alien harridan !" groans the villain. "Seriously ? You should improve your vocabulary as well as your intelligence." shouts Starfire, still airborne. As she fires columns of green light, her nemesis fires white columns of pure, blinding light. As the hand-made projectiles collide together, a powerful explosion shatters the night's tranquility, projecting both characters a few meters backwards from their positions.

A few instants later, Starfire rises up from the sand ground and resumes flying. "Surrender Light, you know that you can't win: you're a born loser." says Koriand'r while whizzing towards Light. Now grounded, she begins to punch him continuously as the villain tries to blind her with a light blast. "Oh no, you won't." rages the alien beauty as she kicks him furiously between the legs. "OWWW STOP YOU VIXEN !" moans painfully the failed, criminal physicist. Starfire is now smiling when she sees a man walking towards her. "Kory, it's me Dick; I'm sorry for earlier." says with a sad tone Nightwing, dressed in his civvies. "I didn't mean to make you cry, it was very stupid of me. Can you forgive me ?" asks tearfully the former Robin.

However, he notices Doctor Light's glowing hands: in a movement faster than the human eye's speed, Dick lands on Light's chest and kicks him in the jaw. The black-and-white clad villain goes to La-la land while the hero goes towards his girlfriend to recomfort her. "I guess he finally saw the Light... at night." wisecracks Nightwing, smiling but with watered eyes. Kory laughs briefly at his joke and says with a tied throat: "I forgive you Dick: I love you so deeply with all my heart !" Her magnificent green eyes are again full of tears; she jumps at Dick, wraps him with her legs and kisses him passionately.

The end

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