Getting Closer with Alfie

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"You love me" 

It was Harry who said it.

"Umm" But before I could respond our Maths teacher called us to get into lesson. 

We had a new seating plan. Our tables was two tables together. I looked at the seating plan and was like "great" I was sat at the front which I didn't mind but Mrs had put me next to Harry so it went me Harry, Riley and Louie. 

We are doing fractions in Maths I'm shit at fractions as Mrs was explaining how to add and subtract fractions and I was struggling to do it.

Harry could see I was struggling "Do you need any help Ben" Harry said "Umm yeah if you don't mind" 

"No I don't mind what do you need help with" "How do you do this question" "So you need to find a common denominator" But as he was explaining I couldn't help but stare at Harry he finished explaining and he helped with the other questions I said thank you to Harry for helping me. 

Harry asked to go to the toilet as he left I heard someone call my name I turned around and it was Alfie. Alfie called my name "What Alfie" I said  

"Come here" Alfie said while waving me over to him "Yes" I said 

"You know Harry likes you right he wants to date you"Alfie said I just laughed at him "Your so funny Alfie he's straight and you know I'm Bi but even if he was gay or Bi he wouldn't want to date me anyway" 

Harry comes back from the toilet so I go back and sit in my seat "Harry can I-I ask you something" I say stuttering "Of course you can Ben" "Do you like men or women" "Umm Riley do you need help with your work" Harry says before he turned and helped Riley he gave me a a dirty look

I closed my book and walked out

Riley's POV 

Ben closed his book and walked out I was confused why he walked out I asked Harry if he had said anything but Harry said no. So I called Mrs over and said "Can I go and find Ben" I said quite worried because I know what he has done before in these situation before. Mrs said yes I can

I walk out with my bag and try to find Ben. I'm walking around the school and then I think I know where he will be and walk up these stairs and he sat on the floor in the corner. 

I walk over to him and put my arm around him but that's not what he wanted he pulled me into a hug and I gladly accepted. "Are you ok Ben" I ask worried "No" "What's up" I ask "Umm I asked Harry if he likes men or women and he didn't answer and before he turned to you he gave a dirty look and that's why I walked" Ben Says

Ben started crying after he said that I comforted him. "Ben I understand why you walked out now I will speak to Harry if you want to I will do it now if you want" " No can you stay here with me and just keep hugging me if that's ok you can tell Harry another day" "Yes I can I stay here with you and I will talk to Harry tomorrow" I said 

"I love you Riley" Ben said 

"I love you too Ben" I said Back 

Alfie's POV  

I am on my way to Design and Technology when I am walking up the stairs and I see Riley hugging Ben in the corner. I find it so sweet how close them two are so I walk over to them both and sit down next to them. 

"You ok Ben" I said to Ben "Yeah I'm ok" Ben said to me 

"What do you have next lesson Ben" Riley asks Ben "Umm I Umm don't know" Ben says 

"Ben if you come with me to my lesson we will ask Mrs what you have" I say to Ben "Ok I will come with you I love you Riley" Ben says while he hugs Riley "I love you too Ben I will speak to you later" 

Me and Ben are walking to Design Tech I can see that he really doesn't want to be here but I care so much about him and I want him and Harry to get together and be happy for the rest of their life. 

We make it to my class. 

"Mrs can you see what lesson Ben has please and can also send a email to that teacher he will be late and just say something has happened but me and Riley are sorting it out" I say to Mrs Lane "I will have a look now um you have Business Studies Ben I will send Mrs Mackett a email now" 

"Ok thank you Mrs" Ben says sounding quite upset so I hug him and he buries his head into my neck. "Um I'm going to go now Alfie" Ben says still sounding quite upset "Ok Ben I love you" "Love you too Alfie" 

"What the fuck is wrong with him" Someone says 

"What the fuck did you say about Ben" I say really pissed off 

"I said what the fuck is wrong with him why the fuck is he crying and why are hugging because he has fucking greasy hair" Lewis says 

I couldn't take it I just punched him and just kept on punching him "Don't fucking talk about Ben like that again you don't know anything about what has happened or anything about him so just shut up" 

"Alfie come here" Mrs Lane says shouting 

"What miss" Alfie Says 

"You can't just punch Lewis I know he shouldn't of said what he said but you can't just punch him I don't want to do this Alfie but I'm going to give you a S3 for this" Mrs Lane said 

"I'm going to have to on call Alfie I'm Sorry" Mrs Lane says 

"It's fine I understand just me trying to stick up for one of my friends" I say quite annoyed 

Ben's POV 

I'm walking to Business Studies and I'm thinking about what I said to Harry and thinking how I just messed up but anyway. I'm at class I head in and make my way to my seat. Mrs Mackett came over to me and said that she received the email from Mrs Lane and that if i need to step out any moment that I can and that I don't have to ask. 

There is a knock at the door and I see Alfie with on call "Sorry to interrupt Mrs but can I put student in here please" Mr Doe says "Who is it" "Alfie Clarke" "Ok yeah that's fine" Mrs Mackett says 

"Where do you want me to sit Mrs" Alfie says 

"Umm sit next to Ben please" Mrs Mackett says 

"Ok" I say 

"How are you feeling Ben" Alfie asks 

"Umm yeah I feeling ok I just kinda wish I didn't ask Harry that question and we wouldn't be in this situation now and also why have you been on called" I say curious 

"Oh I um got into a fight with Lewis because he said stuff about you and I didn't like what he said about you so I punched him a few times and Mrs Lane said she is putting a S3 on for me she doesn't want to but she has to and what question did you ask Harry anyway" Alfie asks

"Alfie you didn't have to do that for me I don't want you do get excluded because of me"

"Ben it's fine I don't want people talking shit about you that is not true about because Ben I care about, I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you" Alfie says

"I love you to Harry and thank you for being here for me oh and the question I asked Harry was if he likes men or women and when but he didn't answer and asked Riley if he wanted help but before he turned away he gave me a dirty look and that's why I walked out" I told Alfie  

"I will always be here for you and I will speak to Harry about tonight" but before he could say anything I feel a vibration in my pocket and It's a message from Harry on Instagram and it said this 


Phone me tonight I want to talk to you here is my phone number 

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