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Finding Connor by the archive had actually been completely by chance. He hadn't even been looking for the guy, having no interest in his existence outside of pushing the asshole around. If he had been trying , he'd probably get an award for his timing, cause fuck, if he'd been any later, he wouldn't have caught him to begin with.

But honestly, Gavin could give less of a shit about that plastic freak.

Before getting distracted by Robot Sherlock, he'd been looking for Chris. Really wanted to pick the guy's head after having his ass saved by android Jesus during a riot. Real interesting shit to hear after a long week of putting up with DPD android murder shit. That whole plan changed however, when he passed by the corridor to the archive, and caught sight of a familiar Cyberlife jacket. Android spelled on the back and blue armband, it couldn't be anyone but Mr Holmes himself.

The second Gavin registered Connor heading towards the evidence, he decided that Chris could wait. He had all the time in the world to ask about Markus.

If there was one thing Gavin knew about Connor, (mainly since he really wasn't interested in having his job taken from him by a thousand different Connors), was that he wasn't allowed most places without a human to accompany him. He didn't have any sort of clearance, which is why he followed Anderson around like a puppy half the time.

Yet here he was, opening the door, alone, looking around like he was up to something.

It was a golden opportunity that Gavin just couldn't pass up. If Connor was caught, they would not only terminate him, but dismantle him, too. He wasn't human, after all. If he fucks up, he's gone for good.

Back to security in his occupation.

Gavin called after him, ready to turn the droid in, but to his surprise, polite, calm, analytical Connor ignored him, and shut the door behind him. Now, if Gavin didn't know any better, he'd say Connor hadn't heard him.

But Connor was a state-of-the-art prototype.

The fucker could probably hear the weather on Mars if he listened hard enough.

So, now the perfect little shit was ignoring authority, too. Gavin should've been happy about yet another reason to get Connor in deep shit, but he was more upset that Connor had shut the door on him like he was beneath a machine made of the same material as his car. So, he threw the door open and made his way down the stairs. He didn't see Connor though.

Too late to catch the damn droid; he'd already made it into the evidence room.

It occurred to Gavin during his descent that Connor wouldn't go through all this for no reason. If he had to swipe an ID card and make sure no one followed him to get what he wanted, then he must be real desperate.

Maybe it would be better to see exactly what the little robot was up to before detaining him.

He stayed silent as he pulled his gun from its place on his belt. Connor came into view, and as he suspected, the android was tampering with evidence and well, doing things he really wasn't supposed to. He watched in a strange sense of intrigue how Connor manipulated other androids to find Jericho, pulling others apart, changing his voice (Gavin hadn't even known he could do that until he heard Markus's voice come from the android cop), and piecing others back together in a desperate revival. It was a macabre sight, but an exciting one nonetheless.

It put a smile on his face to see how desperate this plastic asshole was.

Stupid android wouldn't know what hit him.

After a while of watching Connor run back and forth, the android came to a sudden halt. There was a sense of pride radiating off of him. A smile graced the face of the detective.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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