Anakin stopped the creature when a bunch of destroyers came rolling in and surrounded them.

They looked up to the balcony that Jango, Count Dooku, and Viceroy were standing on. Master Windu was up there with his purple lightsaber ignited by Jango Fett's throat.
Then a bunch of other Jedi came out of nowhere from the above and on the ground with Anakin, Luna, Padmé, and Obi-Wan.

The Geonosians flew away as more Jedis reveal themselves by igniting their sabers.
Master Windu jumped off the balcony with his cloak very smoky. Once he hit the ground he threw his cloak on the ground.

Thousands of battle droids came running into the arena.
The crowd of Jedi blocked all the battle droids shots as Anakin made the creature run over to one of the Jedis, he's threw three lightsabers. Obi-Wan ignited a blue one, Anakin and Luna ignited a green one.

Luna lifted up her hands so Anakin could cut the handcuffs in half for her to finally be able to use her hands. Luna then cut Anakin's handcuffs then Obi-Wan's next.

A pillar fell over making a big rumble sound scaring the creature, knocking us off it's back.
Anakin, Luna, and Obi-Wan blocked all the shots by the battle droids. Padmé grabbed one of the droids

Obi-Wan and Luna fought side by side as a team destroying the battle droids.
Master Windu ran to the middle of the arena. Obi-Wan and Luna went over to him and helped him fight the droids.
Jedis were dying left and right by these droids.

The big creature we were right on from the beginning ran towards us knocking Obi-Wan and Luna to the ground. Obi-Wan grunted when he hit the ground. Windu ran from the beast, then getting hit by it losing his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan spun his lightsaber around his body a few times blocking all the blasts. Luna destroyed a few droids then turning around seeing the giant green creature that Obi-Wan was fighting from the beginning.
Obi-Wan looked over to her then turning around also seeing the creature.

Obi-Wan cut off one of it's legs, then Luna slid on her legs slicing the other two legs on the left. She stood up as the creature fell.
Obi-Wan sliced it neck then twirling his lightsaber a few times and then stabbing it on the back of the creature.

Luna blushed when a few hairs on Obi-Wan's head fell to his face, when killing that awful creature.
Luna blinked her eyes taking her eyes off of Obi-Wan, getting back to the battle.

All the droids stopped shooting everyone. The Jedi had regrouped in the middle of the arena.
Obi-Wan crouched down putting his hand on a Jedi's head, unfortunately the guy had died. He stood up and took a few steps

"Master Windu." Dooku began. "You have fought gallantly, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order. Now it is finished. Surrender, and your lived will be spared."

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" Mace Windu stated.

"Then, I'm sorry, old friend."

The droids lifted their blasters again. A few moments of silence Padmé looked up to the sky and saw gunships lowering.


Everyone looked up an saw Master Yoda in one of the many gunships with clone troopers.
The droids shot at the gunship. The clones fired down back at them eliminating them.
Anakin, Luna, Obi-Wan, and the other Jedi continued blocking the blasts that the droids shot at them.

A couple gunships lowered to the ground letting the clones off the ship. And for the Jedi to escape.
Anakin,Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Luna got in one gunship together with two clone troopers.
They flew away from the arena only to get shot at again by Geonosians on the ground.

"Hold on." Obi-Wan said then grabbing onto something on the roof. Then Luna, Anakin, and Padmé did the same.

"Aim right above the fuel cells!" Anakin told one of the gunners .
They shot at the fuel cell making it tumble over and explode.

"Good call, my young Padawan." Obi-Wan said smiling lightly towards Anakin.

A giant round ball fell out the sky hitting the ground, making dust go everywhere clouding our view.

Once they flew past the dust cloud they spotted Dooku riding on a speeder.

"Look over there!" Luna said pointing in front of them.

"It's Dooku! Shoot him down!" Anakin shouted.

"We're out of rockets, sir." A clone said that was piloting the gunship.

"Follow him."

"We're gonna need some help!" Padmé shouted.

"There isn't time!" Obi-Wan began. "Anakin, Luna, and I can handle this!"

The two mini ships that were following
Dooku flew up then to the side behind the gunship. Shooting the ship a couple times, then they shot it at a angle the caused the ship to tip for a minute. Padmé, Luna, and a clone fell out the ship.

"Padmé! Luna!" Anakin shouted.

Padmé and Luna rolled down the steep hill if sand.

Lying there for a few moments. Luna groaned opened her eyes and sat up straight slowly. Once she looked around and saw Padmé laying on ground, Luna stood up an ran over to Padmé.

"Are you all right?" A clone asked that was already kneeling down by Padmé.

"Uh-Huh." Padmé answered slowly standing up with Luna's help.

"We'd better get back to the forward command center."

"No. No. Gather what troops you can. We've got to get to that hanger. Get a transport. Hurry!"

"Right away." The clone said the running off. Padmé and Luna ran with him.

Once the gunship had arrived Luna and Padmé quickly got on. The ship raised from the ground a flew off to the hanger Dooku hid at.

The gunship was docking by a walkway. Padmé grabbed a blaster from the ship. Then Luna and Padmé hopped out the ship with two clones. They stopped fro a moment and seeing Dooku's ship take off in front of them. Padmé and the Clones shot at his ship.
Once the ship got to far they continued running on the hanger.

"Anakin!" Padmé said running over to Anakin hugging him.

Luna ran straight for Obi-Wan while Padmé was with Anakin. She hugged Obi-Wan trying not to hurt him with his current injuries. She kissed Obi-Wan on the cheek then pulling away putting her hands on Obi-Wan's shoulders.

"Oh, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok." Obi-Wan grunted putting his hand on his arm. "You should be more worried about your brother then me."

"I don't think I wanna do that right now." Luna said looking next to her, seeing Padmé all up in Anakin's face.

Luna put Obi-Wan's arm around her shoulders carefully walking him over to the gunship.

They got back to Coruscant after a long day at Geonosis. Obi-Wan, Luna, Master Windu, and Master Yoda were in the Council chambers looking out at the sunset.

"Do you believe what Count Dooku said... about Sidious controlling the senate? I doesn't feel right." Obi-Wan asked Mace.

"Joined the dark side Dooku has. Mmm. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now." Yoda stated.

"Nevertheless I feel we shouldn't keep a closer eye on the senate." Master Windu said.

"I agree."

"Where is Your other apprentice?" Mace questioned Obi-Wan.

"On his way to Naboo escorting Senator Amidala home. I have to admit that without the clones, it would not have been a victory.'

"Victory?" Yoda questioned. " Victory, you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has."

"Hello there!"

I can't this fanfic is almost over with already! I'm glad y'all are enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it!"

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