tybalt and romeo fight scene

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I was at the dance and I saw Tybalt standing alone. I decided to go up to him. And I asked him if he wanted to practice sword fighting, as he was alone and had nothing to do. About 10 minutes later, we were standing out on the sword field. It was dark and there were stars in the sky. All of a sudden I see him running toward me with his sword. I quickly dodge out of the way and take a stab at his side, but he was ready and used his sword to knock mine out of the way. I quickly grab it and lean back to avoid his stab. I can't help but admire his style and technique, as I knock his sword out of the way. I love the way that he fights, his aggressive strokes, and his saucy mannerisms.

He takes his sword and knocks my sword out of my hands and pushes me to the ground. "I win," he says. I stared at him. He was laughing, and his smile was so beautiful.

"Good job you're really good!" i say.

"I know," he responds. I just stand there and watch him laugh for a little while then I run towards him and hug him.

"What is this about, Romeo?" he asks. I can tell he's blushing, but I just hug him tighter. After a few minutes I let go.

" Sorry about that, you were just so good at sword fighting, I couldn't help but hug you" I started laughing then after a few seconds I heard Tybalt laugh. We were lying on the ground laughing when I heard a loud bell. The dance was over, we had already been outside for an hour and a half.

" I've got to go but thanks for tonight I had a lot of fun."

                                                                     A few nights later 

As I stood on my balcony wistfully, I thought about the other night. More specifically, I thought about Tybalt. The way he wielded his sword so gracefully, the way I hugged him, the way we laughed together. He was such a saucy boy. Out of the blue, I heard a rustling in the carefully trimmed hedges surrounding the courtyard. A figure appeared; it was Tybalt!

"What are you doing here?! You could be killed if someone sees you!" I exclaimed.

"I couldn't sleep. Romeo... I love you!" He admitted. I stood staring at him in shock. He just admitted he was in love with me. I didn't know what to say.

" Romeo? Are you ok?" He still stood below me staring up at me with the moonlight glaring off his face.

"Yeah I'm okay, just a little in shock. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say." I wasn't sure if I felt the same way about Tybalt.

"That's okay Romeo you don't have to know what to say. Is it okay if I climb up there with you?"

I nodded, and he made his way up.

We stood next to each other for a few minutes in silence.

Out of the blue, I felt a surge of emotion. I took Tybalt's hand.

"Wh-what?" He asked, confused.

"Tybalt, I.. love you."

We looked into each other's eyes. We were nearly close enough to touch. Closer now. Then, I felt his lips on mine. I wasn't sure how long we kissed, but as we pulled away, I saw his smile.

"So... what happens next?"

then everyone was guillotined the end.

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