Chapter 5 the encounter

Start from the beginning

Rewards 200000exp



!!Lvl up x 200 boosted by absolute meditation!!!!


Sebastian: holy shit!!


Sebastian: (in mind) status window
Name: Sebastian Hyoudou

Title: The Dragon God Of HellFire And Chaos


Race : Dragon God

Sacred gear: The system

Level 590

Experience: [0/1,000,000]

Health Points/HP:[5,500,000/5,500,000]

Magic/MP: infinite

Fatigue 0

Strength/Str: SS-Rank

Vitality/Vit: SS-Rank

Agility/AGL: SS-Rank

Intelligence/INT: SS-Rank

Luck/LCK: SS-Rank


Lottery spins: 0 spins

Skills , skill creation, eternal evolution, infinite mana/mp, observe,sense and search


Passive :

Gamers Mind (Active ) LEVEL MAX

Gamers Body (Active) LEVEL MAX


Skill creation, able to make any skill weather it be in world or not.

Eternal evolution user can infinitely evolve.

Infinite mana/mp user has unlimited mana.

Observe :([Max])user can see info of everything.

Sense :([Max])user can sense anything near him/her

Search:([Max])user can search for anything

Dungeon ID Create :(lvl 400) creates instant dungeon .

Dungeon ID Escape can be used to exit dungeon at anytime.

Hellfire eternal chains: (lvl Max) this skill is very powerful and can be used in anyway.

Hellfire chaos blade: (lvl Max) this blade can nullify the mana and cause damage to opponent.

Hellfire Chaos Blast: (lvl Max) Can do uncontrollable amounts of damage.

Power Level seals: (lvl Max) can completely hide your powers and keep them under control but cannot hide sacred gear.

Chaos Hellfire Oblivion : (lvl Max) can destroy any being that it comes in contact with.

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