Chapter 5: Aftermath

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With a tired and heavy sigh, Kiyotaka opens the door. As expected, the class immediately we t quiet and stared at him.

Ike was the first to speak, his tone was filled with malice, and jealousy. His brow furrowed and stared at Ayanokoji with distain as he asked, "What is your relationship with Class A's leader? Are you a spy?! Why would you betray the class like that?!"

Kushida sensing the opportunity to twist the narrative takes a step forward however Horikita intervenes. "I merely stated that I spot the two together and that they were speaking. Let Ayanokoji explain himself and stop making baseless assumptions."

"Shut up Horikita, what did he ever do for us?! His a useless burden that can only run fast!" Shinohara protested.

While all this was happening, Kiyotaka listless stared at them. He went up to the whiteboard and simply wrote at the bottom left corner. "To those who want an explanation, I have simply befriended Class A's leader. Nothing more, nothing less. We just have similar interests."

"Let the class fight." Kiyotaka thought. "Eventually they will tire out and come to their own conclusions. Even if they come to distrust me, I can simply use Karuizawa and Horikita to push my agenda forward. A puppet is nothing without the strings and puppeteer, once you get control of the strings, you can simply exert your control as you see fit."

Eventually as Kiyotaka predicted, the fight had calmed down when Yusuke and Karuizawa intervened. Due to their amassed social reputation, Ike and Shinohara had no choiced but to back down. Ike glared at Kiyotaka however Kiyotaka simply nodded and pointed to the board causing Class D to read the message.

Ike realizing he made a fool of himself for making assumptions grumbled and hid his face on his desk.

A message appeared on his phone. It was from Karuizawa-san. "Do you mind explaining to me a little more on how you and Sakayanagi-san got to know each other?"

Though the message was innocent enough, Kiyotaka noted and observed Karuizawa's annoyed look. He could deduced that Karuizawa was jealous but he could not understand why. "Was Kei interested in Arisu?" He thought to himself.

He replies, "Sure, after school, rooftop."

"Why not lunch?" Karuizawa responded.

"I had made an appointment with Sakayanagi-san. Sorry." Ayanokoji replied. He added the sorry still thinking Kei was jealous because she was interested in Arisu.

The day went on relatively normally, the whiteboard message was erased by Yousuke before Chabashira-sensei could see. Kiyotaka quietly thanked him as he didn't want another problematic scene with Chabashira.

The lunch bell hits, Sakayanagi was slowly walking to Class D with an excited gleam in her eyes. This freaked out Kamuri as she asked, "I never seen you this excited to meet someone before... Are you sure this guy in class D is worth all the excitement..?"

Hashimoto who was accompanying the both of them remarks, "Come on Masumi-chan~ we should trust the princess on this~ after all she accurately predicted Katsuragi's and Kanzaki's failed plans~ Maybe the guy in class D is her marked prince or more accurately... King."

Hearing that comment made Arisu blushed slightly causing both of them to look at each other in shock. The smug, calm, and calculative lady they both knew was blushing over a man. They scratched their eyes and stared once more.

"What is it? Why are you staring?" Arisu asked.

"It's just that we didn't expect you to have such an... Innocent side to you..?" Kamuri remarked to which Hashimoto nods.

"My~ my~ what do you think of me then~? I am simply a young innocent maiden no~?" Arisu returned to her normal self causing the both of them to tense up and nod.

"Well I must thank you for guiding me to class D. I'll be fine from here." Arisu smiles as Hashimoto and Kamuri leaves.

Arisu knocks on the door and awaits for their first ever lunch together.

Author Note:
Sorry for taking some time to write this one. It was hard thinking of the possible reactions. I also decided to stop before the lunch as a small cliffhanger and tease lol~ Anyway in all seriousness, thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please do give me feedback at the comments and thank you all for your comments.

I am going to try and make Horikita more balanced lol and shout-out to the guy who commented about the friend group. It's an interesting idea and I might try to come up with something. Though no promises as originally it didn't had it lol.

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