Bitter Arguments

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Coming out of the office, I was standing in a bus stop, what an odd,among so many offices I had to end up in Arnav's office.. l mean why God, why??..can't you see me in little bit of happy I was after getting the job but.. fault is kind of mine too, I should have researched well before joining..wait a minute, Lavanya told me about this job this morning only, didn't she know about Arnav being the owner of the company..if she did, I am going to kill her..whatever I have joined, now I can't back off..

Did he puts the clause of not leaving the job within six months purposely.. May be but why would he do that.. he doesn't want me near him anymore than why would he..My thoughts broke when an white SUV stopped just right before me.. the driver opened the window and I saw it's none other than Arnav..

'Khushi get into the car, I will drop you..' he said in a soft tone as if it's a very normal thing for him to do..

Without saying anything I started walking away and he also followed me with his car, this time he pressed the brake little hard just right in-front of me .. ' Khushi, didn't you hear me.. get into the car..'

I looked at him with a fake smile,'Thank you for your offer Sir but I don't think I should take your help outside of the office..'

He gave me a irritated look and forced a clam voice,' Khushi, I am going to the way of your home, get into the'

'I thought you are the owner of the company, I didn't know you are the driver who drops every employee..'
I said with mockery..

'Shut up Khushi and get into the car..' this time his voice was loud..

Without looking at him, I started walking again ..he came out of the car and shout at me..' What the hell!! Can't you hear me..I am asking you to get into the car..'

'And why should I listen to are not my boss outside the office..So, I am not obliged to follow your orders..' saying that I turned to go away but he holds my hand and pulled me to himself..

I was stunned by his action, I tried to get out of his hold but he tightened it and laughed at my failed attempts..My anger rose seeing him laughing at me like this..what's wrong with this man, what he thinks of himself.. he pulled me more close, so close that his breathing was touching my face..

'How dare you!!...' I raised my another hand to slap him but he holds it and pinned my both hands on my back..almost every one on the road was looking at us.. I was afraid if someone from his office will see us..what will they think of us..I know he is the boss he doesn't care but what about my reputation..why this man never thinks of he became so cruel!!!

'Ab app battamejji ker rahe hai??..' (now you are misbehaving).. I said not looking at him..

He smirked..'Battameji to mein ab tak suru vi nahi kiye..'(I haven't started misbehaving yet..)

'Leave me..everyone is looking at us..' I said looking here and there..

'Come with me quietly..otherwise I will carry you till the car..' he said bringing his face near my ears.. I nodded, he opened his car door for me like a gentle man..stupid man,two seconds ago he was behaving like a devil and now behaving as If he is the most gentle man ever..

I sat on the car and he started driving.. I looked at him with anger..'what the hell was that Arnav??'

He said keeping his eyes on the road...'I don't like when you don't listen to me so I did what I had to.. what's the big deal!!'

I gave him a disgusting look..he is still same, he can go to any extent to get his way.. I murmured,' Laad Governor kahika..'

I saw a smile on Arnav's face hearing that,so he heard me and he is happy that I called him,'Laad Governor'..
I gave him this name because of his stubborn nature and he used to hate it..I used to irritate him by saying this name a lot..why is he smiling hearing it..I looked at outside, I didn't want to see his face anymore..

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