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"We dropped out of warp, captain," Lieutenant Malloy reported.

Captain Mercer turned his attention to Lieutenant Malloy, his voice firm and composed. "Thank you, Gordon. On-screen, please."

The viewscreen flickered to life, revealing the sight of Tarak-3, a vibrant planet teeming with lush forests, deserts and vast oceans. Captain Mercer took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the planet before addressing his crew.

"Alright, everyone. We've arrived at Tarak-3. Prepare for standard orbit and initiate scanning procedures. Let's gather as much information as we can before we make any contact."

Lieutenant Malloy nodded, his fingers dancing across the console to initiate the necessary commands. "Scanning now, Captain. I'm detecting several settlements on the planet's surface, but there's no sign of any advanced technology or spacefaring capabilities."

Mercer frowned, realising the delicate situation they were facing. "Let's gather as much data as we can from orbit before we make any decisions."

The bridge crew acknowledged the captain's orders, their focus intensifying as they carefully monitored the planet and its inhabitants. The Orville hovered in a stable orbit, its sensors scanning the planet's surface for any signs of contamination caused by the presence of the USS Javelin.

Captain Mercer leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the viewscreen, his mind racing with the weight of responsibility.

"We can't undo what has already happened, but we can ensure that our actions moving forward preserve the integrity of the Marcassian civilization. Let's gather all the data we can and make an informed decision on how to proceed," he said

"I've got a location on the signal's origin, Captain. The signal seems to be emanating from a remote region in the northern hemisphere of Tarak-3. It appears to be within a dense forested area," Isaac said

Captain Mercer's attention snapped back to Isaac, his eyes bright with anticipation. "Excellent work, Isaac. Display it on the viewscreen"

"There she is," Gordon gasped.

Gordon's exclamation caught the attention of the entire bridge crew. All eyes turned to the viewscreen, where a sombre sight awaited them. Through the thick foliage, the unmistakable wreckage of the USS Javelin could be seen, scattered amidst the trees. As the cameras zoomed in, a bittersweet sight emerged. Nature, in its relentless pursuit of life, had begun to reclaim what was lost. Vibrant green foliage snaked its way through crevices and ruptured hulls, weaving a tapestry of resilience amidst the wreckage.

"What are those formations next to the ship?" Kelly Grayson pondered, her eyes narrowing in curiosity.

As the viewscreen zoomed in, the crew could see humanoid-shaped structures. Three of them.

Captain Mercer leaned forward, studying the formations with a mix of awe and concern.

"Are these... statues?" he speculated, his voice tinged with a sense of apprehension.

Isaac, the ever-analytical artificial being, swiftly processed the available data and began to offer his insight, piecing together fragments of information.

"It would appear so, Captain. In addition, these statues have been meticulously crafted," Isaac relayed, his voice measured and precise. "Their design and arrangement suggest an intentional human influence, albeit with artistic variations influenced by the natural surroundings."

A hush fell over the bridge as the implications sank in. The crew contemplated the potential consequences of the USS Javelin's discovery and the impact it might have had on the primitive civilization of the Marcassians.

Captain Mercer's voice cut through the silence, filled with a mixture of determination and responsibility.

"We must proceed with utmost caution," he said firmly. "Our priority is to assess the situation, locate any survivors, and ensure the preservation of the Marcassian civilization. Commander Grayson, take Lieutenant Keyali and prepare to land."

"Aye captain," Greyson replied and left the bridge, followed by Security Officer Lieutenant Talla Keyali.

Dr. Finn swiftly organised a team of medical personnel to begin the cosmetic alterations. Using advanced holographic technology, they skillfully modified the landing party's physical appearances to closely resemble the Marcassians.

Within a short time, the crew members emerged, their features transformed to match those of the primitive civilization they were about to encounter. They now bore the same facial characteristics, skin tones, and other distinguishing traits, effectively blending in as one of the Marcassians.

Captain Mercer surveyed his transformed crew members, a mixture of admiration and gratitude evident in his eyes.

"Thank you, Dr. Finn," he said sincerely. "This will give us a better chance to interact with the Marcassians without causing undue alarm or interference. We must be respectful of their cultural development."

Dr. Finn nodded, her dedication to preserving the delicate balance of cultural exchange evident in her every action.

"Remember, both," she reminded them, "we must not only observe their society but also refrain from introducing any advanced technologies... that they don't already have, or disrupting their natural progress. Our goal is to assess and protect, not to interfere."

With their altered appearances and a clear understanding of their mission's parameters, the landing party prepared to depart.


As the shuttle glided through space, the distant glow of the planet's surface grew brighter with each passing moment, a captivating sight that captured the attention of those aboard.

Kelly leaned back in her seat, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and posed an intriguing idea to Talla.

"Imagine if we had a machine that could disassemble a person at the molecular level and instantly transport them to a designated location on a planet from orbit," Kelly mused, her voice filled with excitement. "We could eliminate the need for shuttles altogether. Just imagine the time we would save!"

Talla Keyali, the fearless Xelayan chief of security, ever the pragmatist, raised an eyebrow and countered with a note of caution.

"But, Commander, think about the risks involved," Talla responded, her voice tinged with concern. "What if something were to go wrong during the transportation process? What if someone's molecules were not reassembled correctly? The consequences could be disastrous."

Kelly waved off Talla's concerns, her enthusiasm overriding any potential doubts.

"Oh, come on, Talla," she said, flashing a playful smile. "We've seen advanced technology work wonders before. I'm sure they would have safety measures in place to prevent any mishaps. It would revolutionise space travel!"

Talla sighed softly, realising that arguing further would be futile. "Yes, Commander, a revolution where you may end up with your elbows where your knees should be. But hey, I suppose it would make for some interesting dance moves!"

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