1:2: The Reconquista War Begins

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Kyumu carried her high into the sky, away from everyone and the sight of the corpses. "Kyu, do I deserve a Knighthood after... after all the Death I caused?" Her dragon looked back at her, amusement in her Purple Gaze. "Of course you do. Your actions turned the Tide, and Brought Albion's army to it's knees. But not only that, you saved lives too. If we hadn't destroyed those Transports, how many of our Soldiers would have died? Tristain is small. If our Army had been beaten here, Henrietta wouldn't be able to raise another quick enough to stop them, let alone repell them. We only won this Battle through a combination of skilled commanders, and us. Without us, this Battle would have been a Pyrrhic victory at best, and a crushing defeat at worst. Without skilled Commanders, we still could have won, but our losses would be far greater. War is messy, that is just a fact of life you have to live with. But I'm a Dragon, I see the world differently then you do. So perhaps, you should talk with your Mother instead?" She shook her head. "No, you managed to clear my doubts."
"Your Afraid."
"Not Afraid, just embarrased to admit I need advice to her."
"Louise, she's your Mother. No matter how hard on you she is, that fact doesn't change. A Mother is supposed to be your Guide, someone you can turn to who won't judge you in your weakest moments."
"I know that! It's just..."
"I'll drop it for now. Please just, consider it. I think we should tell your family about you being a Void Mage, now that you've demonstrated your power. Questions are going to be asked, and the church will catch wind of it sooner or later." She nodded. "Yeah, they will. Kyu, lets head back." The dragon twisted into a slow Descent. The Army was Gathering below them, preparing to march back to the capital now that the Albion forces where defeated. She Sighed, then set about preparing herself mentally for the Knighting Ceremony that awaited her.

It had been two weeks since the Battle against Albion's forces, and she was still reeling from what had happened. It was a bit of a blur, but the Knighthood had been expected. Henrietta adopting her into the royal family and naming her the Heir to the throne was not. She was broken from her thoughts by a guard bumping into her, quite literally. "Excuse me Princess. Oh, Old Headmaster Osmond had a message for you. "Classes start up again tomorrow" he said." She straightened herself out. "Ah, of course. Thank you for relaying that to me." The Guard bowed, then departed for his previous destination. She headed outside to find Kyumu swallowing a cow leg. "Master. Something is troubling you." She nodded. "Yeah, I need to get away from this for a bit. Up for a flight?" Kyumu snorted. "When am I not?" The Dragoness replyed as she offered her foreleg for her to climb up. She climbed up onto Kyumu's back, then her Familiar took to the sky on Void coloured wings. Once they where calmly gliding above the capital, she sighed and lay back. "Everything seems to be going so fast. This time last week I was just Louise De La Valliere, third born Daughter of house De La Valliere and Void Mage. Now I'm Princess Louise De La Valliere, Third born Daughter of house De La Valliere, Void Mage, Hero of the cracked coast and Heir Presumptive to the Throne. It's all just so much." She felt Kyumu rumble, which she had by now realised was the Dragon's way of Laughing. "Master, you stress out so easily. Remember, you won't have to rule the kingdom so long as Henrietta is still able to do so. Besides, with the amount of Guards in the castle, no Assassin will get close to the Princess."
"But what if-" she started, only for Kyumu to cut her off. "Louise, the Princess is Guarded by Knights, Guards, Guard Dogs, Manticores, Griffins and Yours Truly 24 Seven. If someone manages to get to Henrietta, then they'll have to deal with two Square Class Mages and a Battalion of magical constructs all created with one goal. Protecting the Queen." Her mouth clicked shut. She had to Acknowledge that Kyumu had a point. She sighed. "I can't help but stress, and now I am a prime target for Assassins as well." Kyumu huffed. "Relax master, just close your eyes and enjoy the moment." Kyumu turned from the capital and glided over the countryside as she did allow herself to relax. She sighed and closed her eyes, trusting Kyumu to catch her if she fell. 'The sky is so peaceful' she mused as a calm breeze tickled her skin. Kyumu was purposely flying slowly to allow her to rest, and the flight was so relaxing. They had never flown like this before, as everytime they had they had always been in a rush or had company. It was nice, having nowhere to be and no one trying to kill them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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