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I got some supplies from Alvor and Sidgir, along with some money and a few pieces of jewelry to sell, and headed to Whiterun. The sun was setting, and everything was a warm, beautifully mixed orange and red. Masser and Secunda were just coming out when I reached the gates of Whiterun. When the guards stopped me, I explained what happened at Helgen, knowing that was my best chance at getting in the city.

The city was beautiful. Children ran and played, people were laughing. I walked to the market slowly, taking in the beauty of Whiterun. I had seen the inn and thought, what the hell, Riverwood can survive one more night. I really need some sleep.

I pushed through the door and the sweet smell of ale and mead hit me like a wave of euphoria. I went to the innkeeper and rented the room out, and also treated myself to a couple bottles of mead. After abcouple hours of drinking and eating, I finally worked up the nerve to speak to the innkeeper. I looked at her. She looked worn and tired, like she's been here for many years. She was pretty, though. A Nord obviously. She didn't seem to mind me.

I cleared my throat. "So, what's the latest rumors you've come across?" I asked her, genuinely curious, but more or less just asking for conversation. The mead was nice, and it was warm, but I was dreadfully bored.

She stared and me, then looked around the inn to make sure no one was listening.

"Well I heard there's a kid in Windhelm the performed the Black Sacrament," her voice dropped lower at the last part.

"I'm guessing that's a bad thing, right?" I had no clue what the eight divines she was speaking of. Black Sacrament? What was that?? Something sinister, I suppose. And it sounded... Attractive and intriguing.

"You don't know what--" she basically yelled, then caught herself, getting closer to my face and looked me hard in the eyes.

"It's wicked, especially so for a child. It basically calls The Dark Brotherhood to kill someone.." she stopped, and looked down.

I could tell she ran into this, Dark Brotherhood personally. My buzz quickly was replaced by my somber curiosity as to why she was speaking of, this Brotherhood.

"They call themselves a guild, but there's no honor in murdering an innocent. None." She was still staring holes into the bar in front of me. She was obviously hurt by them before, maybe not directly, but who knows? Nords are proud, hardy people. She would have a hard time telling me without her looking as if she's asking for help.

I grabbed her hand and very carefully, asked her who they were and what they've done to hurt her so.

"my pain is that obvious, huh, stranger? First, tell me your name, and your history and I'll tell you mine." she smiled and pulled out another bottle of Nord Mead and a cheese wedge, pushing it towards me. I smiled in gratitude and took a big swig before starting.

I was found in a small flower basket, on the river in Riverwood when I was a young baby. Alvor and Sidgir took me in, along with Hadvar, like we were their own. After I was 18, I wanted to go traveling alone, to find my parents in Valenwood. To find closure, on why they abandoned me here in the frozen wasteland." Talking about this felt like acid down my throat, yet I felt a weight being lifted as I kept talking, so I didn't stop. I took a hard swig, gathering my words and keeping my composure.

She rubbed my arm, like she knew where this was going. I half smiled in appreciation and continued.

"Someone recognized me, by some miracle."

She asked, "Was it your warpaints? I heard they're given at birth with some families."

I nodded. "I spent a week with a neighboring village, trying to gain confidence to meet my mother and father. One night, I woke up from a nightmare. I was tired of putting it off, tired of the fear. So I packed my things and left a note on my cot, and some gold, thanking them for their help." I gulped for air.

"Someone didn't want me in Valenwood. I was right there, right on the entrance of the village, when I heard it. The most bloodcurling screams you could imagine.."
My eyes brimmed and my throat grew thick. The inn was still, listening but I didn't care. I had to clear this off of my chest. I couldnt breathe.

I shook my head, downed the rest of the bottle and wiped the tears away before they could be seen. A huge hand clapped my back softly, and a huge Nord man sat in the stool next to me, fully dressed in Iron Armor. I sobbed once, caught myself and swallowed.

"They killed my parents. I knew it from the second those screams were let out. I went to the home the screams weye coming from... My father's head was piked in front.. I grabbed a nearby sword and went in, blind with emotions. It was obvious they hadn't lived there for years, dust and insects and grime was everywhere, untouched. They were brought here just as I came.to Valenwood. Someone wanted me gone, or dead. I then found my mother, her throat slit, and starved. Her skin clung to her like wet paper on sticks. I found a note near her, stating "You have a day to leave, or you'll suffer the same fate, Oakenheart. I still have it, too," I sniffed as I pulled it out, letting my weakness take temporary control of me. I was ashamed of acting so helpless and small, but I'm too farming to stop. I pulled it out of my small satchel with a shaky hand and gave it to the Innkeeper.

I kept talking as she read it, her face twisted in agonized anger.

"I left to the village I was in before finding my parents, and showed the family that kept me the note. Said it was a Nords handscript. Some bandit group, I'm assuming. My father was known for his gambling, and I guess it went too far.. Anyways, they pointed me to a settlement of Nords in Valenwood. They were known for their.. Sprees and robbery. Well known for their brutality. I followed them, hiding and waiting for the right moment, all the way to Skyrim. They got through the border, and I went a few miles to the west of them, so they don't catch me.

"that's when I walked into the war I didn't know existed. I was beaten and tortured by some soldiers.. I was brought to Helgen, given the death sentence for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and a Dragon as black as night attacked. I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Hadvar.. That little bastard. He acted like he didn't know me at Helgen and almost got me beheaded!" I slammed the empty mead bottle down on the bar and cracked it. I looked at it and my heart shattered. The inn fell into a deafening silence. I felt something in that silence: respect.

"I think you need some sleep, love, " whispered Hulda. Her eyes wouldn't meet mine, and they were red with tears.

My vision clouded with tears as I tried to stand, but to my horror, my body did not comply, and I crumple to my knees on the floor. My body racked with sobs and my world fell apart, releasing something that was tearing me from the inside. The man in the armor knelt beside me and held me in his arms. "I know strength, young elf. I thought I did, at least. All my life, I grew up with "crying is for milk drinkers, never cry for it shows weakness", all of that. But you know what?" He whispered, still holdings against his chest. "What you've done, what you've gone through, now that's strength. More than I will ever have. You have honor, perseverance. Howling did you follow that group without blinding going in, without killing them and risk killing yourself in the process?"

I looked at him. This stranger truly cared for me. And I had no clue as t why. "About two years," I croaked out.

"My point exactly." he told Hulda he was taking me to my room. "anytime she needs a drink, anytime she's in need of a bed, I will pay. Okay?"

Hulda nodded, content with that proposal. He scooped me up and carried me up the stairs, to my room. I don't understand why he was saying I had courage and honor and strength. I was just on the floor, crying like a baby.

He set me down, and cleared his throat. Was he blushing? He pulled the door shut and brought a chair to the bedside.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to Dragonsreach. Heard from the birds you have businessbwith the Jarl."

I nodded, not speaking anymore. I was done speaking. He sensed that and stood up. He removed his helmet and kissed me on the forehead, and walked out ofbthe room. I froze, surprised at hid little gesture. The people of Skyrim were a lot nicer than I remember. But I had to see this kid Hulda was speaking of. Arentino? I was engulfed in curiosity when I drifted off. I dreamt of the Dark Brotherhood. And I wanted in.

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