Making Breakfast For New Friends: The Start of Koharu's Ambition

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In the headquarters of a hacker organization known as the Cyber Guardians, a girl with orange hair named Koharu was asleep in her bed, wearing fluffy bunny pajamas before the sound of her Digivice woke her up.
Koharu: "Huh?"
She picked up her Digivice to answer the call, which was from her mom.
Mrs. Inoue: (through the Digiline) "Morning Koharu,"
Koharu: "Mom?"
Mrs. Inoue: (through the Digiline) "Looks like my call must have woken you up, I can hear in your voice that you just woke up,"
Koharu: (yawns) "Yeah, good morning mom, I didn't know you used this Digiline thing,"
Mrs. Inoue: (through the Digiline) "Well... I'm new to this whole Digiline thing, your boss Mr. Nomura told me how to use this thing to contact you,"
Koharu: "Aww, it's so thoughtful that Mr. Nomura gave you my Digiline contact, and now we can talk to each other even though we're far away, that's awesome!"
Mrs. Inoue: (through the Digiline) "I know, but your dad and I missed you so much, we decided to make your homemade breakfast that you made for us in our days off,"
Koharu: (sighs) "Right, this is your first time without me,"
Koharu let out another sigh before she thought of something.
Koharu: "Wait a minute... Mom! You gave me an idea! Since today is my first day in Cyber Guardian HQ! I can make new friends by making my special breakfast!"
Koharu then got up out of bed and ran into a nearby closet, accidentally leaving her Digivice on.
Mrs. Inoue: (through the Digiline) "That's my Koharu,"
In the HQ's kitchen, Koharu, who was now dressed in Cyber Guardian uniform, was making pancakes while humming to herself.
She made herself a stack of pancakes, digging through the cabinets to find the ingredients she needed, which were maple syrup, chocolate chips, and whipped cream.
Koharu: "And now to put these ingredients together to make the perfect breakfast,"
Koharu put the chocolate chips, maple syrup, and the whipped cream onto the stack of pancakes to make what she considered to be "The Perfect Breakfast."
Koharu: "It's amazing! But it feels like something's missing... And i know that something... People, and I know just who to start with,"
Koharu knocked on the door to another room, that being the door to Shun's bedroom.
Shun: "Come in,"
Koharu: "Good morning, Shun,"
Shun: "Morning Koharu,"
Koharu: "How long have you been up?"
Shun: "About an hour,"
Koharu: "Then that means you must be hungry, so... Follow me into the kitchen, but first,"
Koharu covered Shun's eyes with her hand as she led him into the kitchen.
Koharu: (removes her hand) "You can look now,"
Once Koharu removed her hand from Shun's eyes, he saw her homemade breakfast, letting out a gasp.
Koharu: (with sparkling eyes) "Do you like it?!"
Shun: "What is it, exactly?"
Koharu: "This is a special breakfast that I made for my parents when they had their day off work, it's pancakes with maple syrup, chocolate chips, and whipped cream, I wanted to make it for you and the other Cyber Guardians,"
Shun: "No offense, but that looks like a sugar filled disaster, I'm gonna decline your offer on that one,"
Koharu: (sighs) "Oh... I understand..."
Koharu gave Shun a teary-eyed and innocent look, making him reply by giving her an annoyed glance.
Shun: "Don't you do this to me, Koharu!"
Koharu continued to give him the look, beginning to wear him down.
Shun: (sighs) "Koharu!"
Koharu looked even more innocent, as if her eyes had gotten bigger.
Shun: (groans) "Ugh! Fine! Just quit giving me that look!"
Koharu stopped giving Shun the look and went to hug him.
Koharu: "Yay!"
Shun: "Look, Koharu, just because you swayed me with those innocent eyes doesn't mean the other Cyber Guardians will be easy to convince..."
Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a boy with tan skin and messy brown hair wearing sunglasses busted through the HQ's automatic door carrying a water gun.
Tan skinned boy: "Stop right there! This is the Shibuya Dummy Police! And I've spotted two dummies right here!"
The tan skinned boy aimed his water gun at Koharu's homemade breakfast, with her immediately in front of it.
Koharu: "No!!!!!!!"
The water gun hit Koharu, getting her completely soaked.
Tan skinned boy: "Ahahahaha! I totally got you, new girl! You should've seen the look on your face!"
Shun: "Very funny, Ginji, Koharu, this here is the guardian of the wind attribute, Ginji Murakami,"
Ginji: "And you must be the new girl, Koharu, right? And you look to be about my age,"
Koharu: "Huh?"
Shun: "Oh... Right, besides you, Ginji is the youngest member of the Cyber Guardians,"
Ginji: "I turned thirteen a couple of months ago,"
Koharu: "I turned thirteen just this month,"
Ginji: "Finally! I'm not the youngest anymore! Or the dumbest!"
Koharu: "I wouldn't say I'm dumb, my friend Ryota says I'm optimistically naive,"
Ginji: "Oh, looks like you've got something on your shirt,"
Koharu: "Huh?'
Koharu then checked her shirt, making her an easy target for Ginji to squirt his water gun at her.
Ginji: "Duh-umb! Ahahahaha!"
After he shot Koharu with his water gun, Shun confiscated it and smacked the sunglasses off of Ginji's face.
Shun: "Not funny, Ginji,"
Ginji: "Why do you have to be such a killjoy all the time?"
Shun: "I'm not a killjoy, you're just immature,"
Koharu: "Alright, that's enough of that, Ginji, I'd like to show you something I made, it's my homemade breakfast I made for the team,"
Ginji: "I can't believe you got snacks! Gimme, gimme!"
Koharu: "What?! I can't just give it to you! It's for the WHOLE team! If I let you eat, it goes against the principle of the thing, I think,"
Ginji: (groans) "But I'm hungry!"
Shun: "You ate a to-go breakfast sandwich about half an hour ago!"
Ginji: "But my stomach still feels empty,"
Shun: "I know you're hungry, Ginji, oh forget it, you're always hungry, but Koharu did a nice thing for ALL of us! So you're gonna have to be patient and share this with the others,"
Ginji: (sighs) "Ugh! Fine!"
Koharu: "Yay! Now we just need to gather the others, and we can enjoy the perfect breakfast,"
Ginji: "If you're gonna talk to the others, I suggest you start with Nami,"
Koharu: "Who's Nami?"
Shun: "She's our tech expert and the guardian of the Plant attribute,"
Koharu: "I can't wait to meet her!"
Koharu ran excitedly into the automatic door, not noticing it hadn't opened yet, hitting her in the face.
Koharu: "Ow!"
Shun: "No offense, but maybe you should look before you run into a door,"
Koharu: "Fair point,"
Koharu went in through the automatic door to one of the bottom floors of the HQ, Natsume's room, which was surrounded by PCs.
Koharu: "Woah, there are PCs everywhere,"
A shadowy figure with glowing white eyes spotted Koharu, freaking her out.
Shadowy figure: "What are you doing in here?"
Koharu: "Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to..."
The shadow figure was revealed to be a red-haired girl with her hair in a small ponytail, small black rectangle glasses, and a dark green version of the Cyber Guardian uniform.
Red-haired girl: "Sorry for alarming you, you must be that new girl, the name's Nami,"
Koharu: "It's nice meeting you, Nami, I'm Koharu, I heard from Shun that you're the tech expert,"
Nami: "I wouldn't say that I'm a tech expert, I'm just really good with computers, but I think that's because I spend most of my time in my room and with my Digimon,"
Koharu: "Where is your Digimon?"
Nami: "They're inside the central PC, c'mon out Lalamon,"
A Digimon was displayed on the central PC's screen, the Digimon looked to be in the shape of a flower bud with tiny arms and legs, with an expressionless face.
Lalamon: "Hi,"
Nami: "I'd like to introduce you to my partner Digimon, they mainly reside in my PC because it's connected to my Digivice, and they're pretty shy,"
Koharu: "Anyway, Nami, I'd like to invite you to a group breakfast with the rest of the guardians, Shun and Ginji are already on board,"
Nami: "Sounds fun to me, too bad the rest of the guardians are caught up with an important mission Takashi gave them,"
Koharu: "What kind of mission?"
Nami: "I don't know, Takashi said something earlier about analyzing some odd data that was identified in Kowloon recently, I asked if I could join, but he was worried I might get hurt, that's why he's locked up the main PC room,"
Koharu: (gasps) "There's a main PC room?!"
Nami: (whispering) "I think I've said too much,"
Koharu: "Ok, I'm going to the central PC room, bye!"
Koharu re-entered the automatic door to go down to the Central PC room.
Nami: "I should tell Shun and Ginji about this girl before things get out of hand,"
Shun and Ginji entered Nami's room through the automatic door.
Ginji: "Did Koharu come in here?"
Shun: "And did you tell her about the others' goings on in the central PC room?"
Nami: (sighs) "Yeah, I really need to keep my big mouth shut sometimes,"
Shun: "We really should do something before Koharu gets herself into trouble,"
Ginji: "Do we have to?"
Shun and Nami: "Ginji!"
Ginji: (groans) "Ok, fine!"
In the HQ's elevator, Koharu was waiting for her to arrive in the Central PC room while carrying her homemade breakfast.
Koharu: "I can't wait, when Mr. Takashi and the others see this, I can have my perfect breakfast and make brand new friends,"
The elevator made its stop in the Central PC room, the door opening once it arrived.
Koharu: "I'm here!"
Once Koharu exited the elevator, she was analyzed by a cybernetic eye.
Koharu: "Hello there, I've come to talk with Mr. Takashi, I brought breakfast,"
Cybernetic eye: "Identity not recognized, identify yourself or be annihilated,"
Koharu: "Oh, my name is Koharu Inoue, I'm thirteen years old, my favorite color is orange, which matches my hair,"
Cybernetic eye: "Koharu Inoue? Still not identified,"
The cybernetic eye aimed a laser in Koharu's direction, frightening her before Takashi spotted her.
Takashi: "Deactivate protocol AUTO, she's new,"
Koharu: (waving) "Hi, Mr. Takashi!"
Takashi: "Hello Koharu, how did you know I was here?"
Koharu: "Nami told me,"
Takashi: "You should really head back to the main floor, you shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous,"
Koharu: "But I wanted to have breakfast with everyone, and I don't think it would be the same without everyone else there,"
Koharu gave Takashi the same look that she gave Shun before.
Takashi: "I know that look, Koharu, Shun used to give me and Mr. Nomura that look when he was little, there's no way I'm going to fall for that, that's why I'm so stone cold,"
Koharu: "Well, if you're not coming out, then I'm coming in!"
Takashi: "I wouldn't do that if I were you Koharu,"
The automatic door to the main PC room opened, Koharu going to enter it with her homemade breakfast.
Once Koharu entered the central PC room, she was met with an ice cold stare coming from a boy with dark skin and black hair, part of his hair covering one of his eyes.
Koharu: "Eep!"
Dark skinned boy: "What are you doing in here?!"
Koharu: "I'm sorry! I just wanted to have breakfast to celebrate friendship!"
Takashi stepped up, moving the dark skinned boy to the side.
Takashi: "Calm down, Zentaro, this is Koharu Inoue,"
Koharu: "Hi,"
Takadhi: "She's new,"
Zentaro: "Which makes her inexperienced, so she shouldn't be here,"
Takashi: "I know she wasn't supposed to be here, but she's way too motivated to give up now,"
Koharu: "Exactly, I just wanted us to have breakfast together so we can become friends,"
Zentaro: "I appreciate your motivation, Koharu, but it's kinda dangerous bringing food into the Central PC, especially with how busy Mr. Nomura is analyzing the data he found in Kowloon,"
Koharu: "Good, Mr. Nomura's here, hold my breakfast, please, I'm going to ask him if we can have breakfast together,"
Koharu handed Zentaro her homemade breakfast and began knocking on a nearby door.
Zentaro: "I wouldn't do that, only Mr. Nomura is allowed in there, but that's because of how dangerous it is,"
Takashi: "Only I've been in that room with Mr. Nomura, and even I don't know what's going on,"
Zentaro and Takashi then turned around, noticing that Koharu had gone missing.
Takashi: "Yep, that's just what I expected,"
Shun, Ginji, and Nami entered the Central PC room, noticing Koharu was gone.
Shun: "Shoot! We're too late! Where's Koharu?!"
Takashi: "She went into your dad's private room,"
Shun: "Dad's private room! Only you and I have been allowed in there!"
Nami: "Is that girl insane?!"
Zentaro: "Maybe, but she definitely is motivated,"
Ginji: "Good, can we eat her breakfast now?!"
Shun, Nami, Zentaro, and Takashi: "Ginji!"
Ginji: (groans) "Buzzkills,"
Shun: "I suggest we go in after Koharu before she gets into trouble,"
Nami: "Shun has a point, I may be a tech specialist, but even I don't know what Mr. Nomura does in there, I hope Koharu will be ok,"
With Koharu, she had entered Mr. Nomura's private room, surrounded by nothing but darkness.
Koharu: "Mr. Nomura? Are you in here? Man, it's dark in here,"
The room then lit up, with a familiar looking creature crawling its way out of a PC.
Koharu: "Is that? The thing I saw in Kowloon yesterday?"
Koharu checked her uniform in a panic to see if she had her Digivice on her, which she didn't.
Koharu: "Oh shoot! I must have left my Digivice in my bedroom! What am I gonna do?!"
The mysterious creature went to grab Koharu with its tentacles before it was attacked by... Bats, turning it into data.
Koharu: "Huh? What are bats doing in here?"
A masked vampire Digimon appeared, the bats flying to them.
Koharu: (with sparkling eyes) "Cool! A vampire Digimon!"
Vampire Digimon: "Kazuya, we have company,"
Mr. Nomura made his presence known to Koharu.
Koharu: "Oh hey, Mr. Nomura,"
Kazuya: "Thanks for rescuing her Myotismon, what are you doing in here, Koharu?"
Koharu: "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Nomura, I just wanted to ask if we guardians could eat breakfast together, I made it myself,"
Kazuya: "I appreciate your kindness and generosity, Koharu, but I don't think this is the best time, by opening that door, you accidentally let out a data recreation of what you and Shun encountered in Kowloon,"
Koharu: "You mean that weird tentacle thingy?"
Kazuya: "Exactly,"
Koharu: "And I accidentally unleashed it on Takashi and Zentaro... My bad,"
Kazuya: "Don't worry, Takashi and I have Ultimate level Digimon, and I trust Zentaro,"
Koharu: "But I left my Digivice in my bedroom,"
Kazuya and Koharu opened the door and re-entered the Central PC room, watching the others fight off the mysterious creature with their Digimon.
Shun: "I suggest we bring out our Digimon, if we outnumber this thing, then it'll be easier to take down,"
Nami: "Smart thinking, Shun, let's go, Lalamon!"
Shun: "How about you join in DemiDevimon?!"
Zentaro: "Alright, Hagurumon! Let's do this!"
Ginji: "Time to fly Falcomon!"
The guardians summoned their Digimon from their respective Digivices to fight off the mysterious creature.
Takashi: "I think that's enough Digimon to take this thing down,"
Kazuya: "Not yet! Myotismon! Night Raid!"
Myotismon appeared, summoning a group of bats to attack the creature, stealing some of its energy.
Shun: (gasps) "Dad!"
Nami: "That thing must be related to what he was working on,"
Shun: "It looks just like the thing that appeared in Kowloon,"
Kazuya: "It's a data recreation of that creature you encountered, I made a few of them to analyze, but Koharu accidentally freed this one when she opened the door to my room,"
Koharu: "Yeah... My bad..."
Ginji: "Ha! And I thought I was the only troublemaker on the team!"
Shun: "Not the time, Ginji!"
Ginji: (whispering) "Why is it every time I make a joke it's always the worst timing?"
Zentaro: (whispering) "That's because it's not the time for jokes, Ginji,"
Nami: "Cut Koharu some slack you guys, she's new,"
Shun: "You have a point, Nami, now let's kick it up!"
Ginji: "I like the sound of that!"
Nami: "Why don't you join us, Koharu?"
Koharu: "I'd love to, but I left my Digivice in my bedroom... But I'm here for moral support..."
The data creature then attacks with its tentacles, ruining Koharu's homemade breakfast by knocking it to the ground.
Koharu: "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
Koharu's eyes began to fill with tears as she began to break down.
Shun: "Koharu? Are you ok?"
Koharu: (sobbing) "I just wanted to have breakfast and make new friends, but because of me and dumb actions, I unleashed this tentacle data thingy, I majorly messed up,"
Shun: "Yes, Koharu, you did mess up,"
Nami: "But in a way, you did bring us together, and we're gonna kick tentacle thingy butt together,"
Hearing what Shun and Nami said made Koharu smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
Koharu: "Well then, what are we waiting for? I believe in you guys! So take that breakfast ruiner down!"
Ginji: "Yeah! That's what they get for knocking over perfectly good food! Alright, Falcomon! Hit it with your Ninja Blade!"
An anthropomorphic falcon Digimon attacked the creature with a barrage of shurikens, one of them hitting it in the eye.
Shun: "Nice aim, Ginji! You hit it in its weak spot!"
Ginji: "Yeah... I wanted Falcomon to do that..."
Nami: "Lalamon! Seed Blast!"
Lalamon floated into the air, beginning to spin while spitting out seeds at the creature.
Zentaro: "Hagurumon! Attack with your Nanomachine Break!"
A Digimon made of gears attacked the creature with electricity.
Koharu: "Woo! You guys are doing great!'
Shun: "Based on my calculations, this thing will be turned into data with only one attack, how about you do the honors, Koharu?"
Koharu: "But how? I don't have my Digivice with me,"
Takashi: "You can use my Digimon,"
Takashi brought out his Digivice, summoning a green dragon Digimon with arms growing from its back.
Takashi: "Koharu, meet Groundramon,"
Koharu: (with sparkling eyes) "Wow! It's huge!"
Takashi: "That's the advantage of being experienced in Digimon battling, now go on and command that Digimon,"
Takashi handed Koharu his Digivice, which had a sprite of Groundramon and a list of its attacks on the screen.
Koharu: "Ok... I'll use... Scrapless Claw!"
Takashi: "Go ahead, Groundramon, do it,"
Groundramon attacked the creature with the claw from one of its back arms, turning the creature into data.
Koharu: "Alright! We did it!"
Shun: "Too bad about your breakfast, though,"
Most of the guardians looked at Koharu's knocked over breakfast on the ground, with Ginji beginning to eat it.
Shun: "Ew! Ginji!"
Ginji: (with food in his mouth) "What? Food is food, and we can't let it go to waste,"
Shun: "Yeah... But I think it's way past the five second rule,"
Ginji: (with food in his mouth) "Doesn't matter, it's still good though, who knew maple syrup and whipped cream were good with chocolate chip pancakes,"
Koharu: (sighs) "So much for eating breakfast together..."
Kazuya: "Don't worry yourself, Koharu, I just ordered breakfast pizza for all of us,"
Koharu: (gasps) "You can have pizza! For breakfast!"
Ginji: "Oh... You're missing out if you've never tried breakfast pizza, my friend,"
Koharu: (with sparkling eyes) "You called me friend, that's progress,"
Shun: (sighs) "Don't get ahead of yourself, Koharu,"
Ginji: "So when's the pizza getting here? I'm starving,"
Shun: "You just ate a stack of pancakes off the floor!"
Zentaro: (sighs) "Classic Ginji,"
Much later, Koharu was on her PC in her bedroom chatting with Lopmon.
Koharu: "And when the pizza finally came, Ginji wanted to see how many slices he could eat, but as soon as he ate one, I think he went into a food coma,"
Lopmon: "It sounds like you enjoyed yourself,"
Koharu: "Yeah, I think my fellow guardians are beginning to warm up to me, that means we'll become friends, so sure, breakfast didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but I grew closer to the others because of it, so I call this a win,"
Lopmon: "Even though you accidentally put everyone in danger,"
Koharu: "Oh... Right..."
A knock was heard on Koharu's door, alerting her.
Koharu: "Come in,"
Shun entered her bedroom, only opening the door a little bit.
Shun: "Hey Koharu, are you busy?"
Koharu: "No, I'm just chatting with Lopmon,"
Shun: "Good, I just wanted to give you a heads up that dinner will be ready soon, and since we had breakfast this morning, dad thought it was a good idea to eat together more often, we usually just eat alone in our rooms, and I wanted to thank you for that,"
Koharu: "It's no problem, Shun,"
Shun: "Well, I see you at dinner... Friend,"
Shun closed the door to Koharu's bedroom, hearing what sounded like an excited scream coming from inside it.
Shun: (chuckles) "I knew she'd be excited,"
Inside Koharu's bedroom, she spun around excitedly in the chair she was sitting in.
Koharu: "Woo! I made my first Cyber Guardian friend! Mission accomplished!"
Lopmon: "I'm so happy for you,"
Koharu: "And you know what's even better?"
Lopmon: "What's that?"
Koharu: "I haven't even met every guardian yet,"
Lopmon: "Oh boy..."
Koharu continued talking to Lopmon, which began to annoy the rabbit Digimon.
Inside the central PC room, Kazuya was typing away on the PC, with Takashi standing next to him.
Kazuya: "It's just as I thought, I knew that creature looked familiar,"
Takashi: "I'd hate to be a buzzkill, but I have to finish up on dinner, ramen can't make itself y'know,"
Kazuya: "Alright, Takashi, you finish up on that ramen, but there's just something about this creature... And you're already gone, aren't you?"
Kazuya let out a sigh as he looked at the digitized creature, a look of regret appearing on his face.

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