blue coats and red bows.

19 0 0

A/N: there is some violence in this chapter.

morgan rose stoker, the 3rd eldest sibling of the stoker family. having been born only 3 minuets after gorge stoker, her twin brother. when morgen was only 17 something terrible happened. that day began just had the rest had, morgen woke up changed into her usual attire and walked downstairs to help her mother charlotte with breakfast.

"medea you know how i fell about those britches" charlotte stated looking at the girl "i know there for charlatans and harlots" morgan replied mocking her mother, with a small laugh. "take Bram up his breakfast, Ellen doesn't seem to be up yet so knock on her door would you" charlotte asked handing a plate to the girl.

medea wandered up to Bram's little attic room. she stood at the door she knocked 3 times, she placed her hand on the handle giving it a gentle push, the oak door creaked open as belle steeped foot in. "Bram away from the window, your lucky I'm not mother" morgan commented as the young lad turned to her, she placed the plate onto the small side table and joined Bram by the window.

he let out a small sigh "im 8 and I've been outside 3 times, can i please go outside. you could take me with you when you go give farter his lunch, hes only down the lane" Bram begged tugging his sisters waist coat.

"walk to your bed and back to me on your own, then we can ask mother" the brunette girl bartered, as Bram jumped off the little ledge he stood with a small wobble. "you can do this" she whispered sweetly as she watched him cross the room then back to her, getting more confident with every steep a small smile crossed her lips.

"right you eat breakfast and get changed, when your done come down" morgan uttered with a smile as she dashed out the room and down the stairs. she passed Matilda who sat at the kitchen table "hi Matilda" she said as she began to prepare the basket, as a clatter of a pan alerted her to her mother who stood in shock looking at Bram stood at the top of the stairs.

"oh my god" gorge yelled as he walked through the front door. nanny Ellen stood at the top of the stairs, a clam look on her face as she looked at the lad. Ellen helped the boy down the stairs charlotte looked on in astonishment, "mother could i possibly go with belle to show farther" Bram begged with a smile. "sure Bram but there and back, you 2 no dawdling" charlotte scolded as medea took the basket off the counter.

the 2 walked out the door and made there way down the lane, soon getting to 'Clontarf finance'. belle pushed open the door Bram stumbling in behind her, they walked along the rows of desks and soon came to one.

Bram stood reading the desk plaque 'Abraham stoker book manager' "Bram" there farthers voice questioned as he looked at the 2 he stepped closer picking up Bram with a chuckle, it was a brief interaction before the 2 began back down the lane. they got back to the thatch roofed cottage, upon walking through the door Bram took place at the table and began to talk to Matilda as if it were a usual occurrence.

the evening rolled around everyone was asleep but morgan she was still awake, her eyes scanning over the paper from that morning it was on the recant killings. they were chilling as if done by wolves, but they weren't native to Ireland.

morgan had an alternat theory vampires, there was a history of some covens of them living in Ireland. just then a loud dull thump was heard, morgan got of her bed her feet hit the cold wood floor. a candle held in her hand, the boards gently creaked as she crossed the room to the door.

she pushed it open with a small creek, morgan edged down the hall. she grabbed a picket stake that stood next to the mantle ,she only remembered it was there as when a professor Abraham vanhelsing came to visit, he had left it there .

she neared the end of the hall as she noticed blood spattered across the walls, something touched her foot. she stopped and looked down to see her eldest brother Thornley's body, his eyes were glossy his clothes were ripped along with his stomach. blood still pouring from his neck, she stifled a scream she almost dropped the candle, as she felt hit wax burn her hand.

she steeped over his body and edged closer to her parents room, a blood curdling scream ripped through the silence of the night. belle bolted to the room to see her mothers body lied there, nanny Ellen stood over it her fathers head held in Ellen's hands. Ellen turned to the girl and smiled, a horrifying grim blood stained her teeth.

"Bram" morgan muttered she bolted down the hall and up the attic stairs, to Bram's room she shoved the door open. "BRAM" morgan yelled as she saw it, Bram laid there his sheets stained with his crimson blood his body cold as ice. a shadow loomed behind her, she spun round the wooden stake clutched in her hand.

she raised her arm she drove it down, it pierced through Ellen's skin as she let out a horrific wail as she fell to the ground. the stake stood morgan had stabbed her right through the hart, bringing an end to the immortal's life. morgan stood her chest heaved as she stood over the body, morgan walked down the silent steeps and back to her room.

she grabbed what she could fit into a bag and changed into her usual clothes, she grabbed her bag and slotted the wooden stake into her belt. morgan walked to then hallway mantle, just above it hung a rapier still in its sheif. she took it down and tied it round the other side. morgan opened a draw to be met with her fathers reserve money.

she took each bag placing one into her pocket and the rest into her bag. the steeps creaked under her foot as she walked down them, to the liquor cabinet she took the bottles and dowsed the floors in alcohol. morgan stood at the front door a lit match in her hand, she let it go igniting the alcohol as it made contact.

morgan walked down the lane the burning house behind her, a bottle of opened whisky in her hand.

3 months latter she walked the streets of a port town , she didn't care to rember the name of. when someone knocked her shoulder, she felt her pocket grow significantly lighter.

"oi laddie" she yelled running after him she followed into an ally tackling him down, her stake drawn "please dont kill me" he begged as morgan placed the stake back into her belt. she stood up offering him her hand the 2 stood there for a moment.

"so who are you" the lad asked as they sat down on a pile of crates, "morgan stoker" she uttered as the lad looked at her weighing what to say next. "Perivale derollo" he muttered morgan had heard of the Whitestone massacre the 2 soon became close friends but went there separate ways 2 years latter. but there harts yearned for one another, till they crossed paths 3 years latter in the slayers take tavern.  

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