Petal I. Highgarden

Start from the beginning

Olenna smells of rosewater, but she also has an old woman's sour breath and toothless smile.

Olenna walks with a cane and claims to be near deaf, but both might be part of her feigning to be more frail than she actually is.

I run to her on the balcony after closing the door and sit at my knees by her chair and take her hand kissing it before she asks.

"How are you feeling today, Grandma!"

She smiles and puts her palm on my cheek "Good, How are you, little one?"

I nod "Good"

She raises my head by chin "Look at me Bianca, what happened today is not a thing to be ashamed of"

"I am not ashamed"

She in a sarcastic way "Your mother might have prepared you. Alerie must did something right in her life" I try not to laugh, gods they are like cat and rat "You flowered, my dear. Nothing more."

I smile "Mother told me, but I thought it would be different. I wake in a blood lake, I thought someone stabbed me or something, it was messy"

She tries to assure me "There is nothing to be afraid of, you have to be strong and that normal every month wait until you birth a child. You're a woman now."

I stare at her thinking no I'm not, I want to climb towers and run in the fields ride my horse or play with my friends and enjoy my life. Being a woman will damage everything.

Olenna asks me brings me out of my thoughts "Do you have any idea of what that means?"

"I'm fit to marry and bear children"

She smiles "A prospect that once delighted you, bringing little lords and ladies into the world"

I give her a fake smile "Of course, grandma"

"Let me give you advice" I nod "All men are fools if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns"

"I do not understand"

She smiles "One day you will" She pats my hand "Prepare your things"


"You will move to another chamber, you are grown up"

"But I want to be with Margaery"

"Bianca! I will not repeat my words"

I nod "Yes, grandma"

See first thing happens, I will separate from my sister.


I sit at the stairs feeling pain in my stomach drinking herbals.

Alerie Hightower walks checks on everything prepared for the feast and welcomes the king. She turns to the maids "We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber"

Alerie is tall, dignified, and handsome, with long silver hair. She is younger than her husband.

Loras walks after her "I'm told he drinks all night."

Loras is exceptionally handsome. His hair is a mass of lazy brown curls and ringlets which tumble over his eyes, which have been described as brown, liquid gold, big, and intelligent and lively.

Loras is beautiful and already a legend, and that half the girls in the Seven Kingdoms want to bed him and all the boys want to be him.

She turns to him "How much could he possibly drink? A man of his ... stature."

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