part 1

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Emma was in a deep sleep when suddenly... she awoke within a horrible kick in her stomach. She knew it was that time so she yelled for hook. "Hook!!!!" Hook leaped out of bed "I'm coming emma!!!!!" Emma was rush to the hospital where she would have her baby girl Grace. When they got to the hospital it took a few pushes to get grace out a few meaning 5. A short while before grace arrived snow,charming, bell, red,Regina,Henry,granny,the drophs,even rumplestilsken were in the hospital waiting room waiting for emma to have grace. Finally all 9 of them herd grace screaming they all rushed in to room 127E! Where they saw emma holding grace and hook leaning over both emma and hook were crying and laughing. "Oh emma look at her" said snow crying with charming. After everyone brought grace a gift the hospital room was filled with teddy bears and balloons and gift bags. Grace was sleeping and emma was try to get some rest because her and hook were up all night with grace. After 3 days passed grace emma and hook were on there way home!!! Emma was so happy to be home. She got grace settled in and then took a long nap. And thats how grace came to life.

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