My Sky

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She meant the whole world to me... Without her I'll be a helpless moron... I need her.. but yet... Why did you accused me?... For her death? Instead of giving respect?

It all happen in one night. The time when I just turn 7. I can hear it my family singing along celebrating my birthday as I grew old enough to be mature. They were happy. Not until someone or I should say something Shattered everything.

I still remember it as clear as day.

A bullet was hit across our window and targeted my father in the chest... Blood ran out and secured my father was dead because of the impact, meanwhile my mother and siblings went outside to escape and call for help but alas they were killed too.

While my little sister was clinging close to me begging for protection as I simply hug her tightly embracing her warmth until she calm herself down.

I was filled with apathy at that time and I wasn't able to compromise with the ongoing events that occurred but when someone came in and stole Sora from my arms i was deeply angered... My vision suddenly came into a place with red and went unconscious at the very moment I should have save her... at the last moment I woke up... I was at the hospital confirm with alot of bruises and injuries from around my body, my arms were shackled and my feet were too.

My head was wrapped in bandages and all I remembered was terror in my dream. Blood was all over splattered in the walls and also the ground... There were from my family that I didn't protect. It also came along with my vision turning red, that I didn't understand why.

The nurse came in and quickly ran out of the door and called out the doctor for my awakening.

My eyes were a bit blurry and all I can do was to try and regain my energy. Why did the police tag along with the doctor? I thought as I gaze upon a blue uniform and a figure that stood near my bed.

"What happened to me?"

I implored as I tried to take a closer look to three figures that stood. My eyes were lifeless and all I could think of was that incident, the doctor was taciturnly silent and the police were showing such egregious atmosphere at the room. As I averted my eyes to the window the doctor interjected my thoughts and replied.

"I'm afraid I can't tell any further then this but you have a serious head, and arm fracture that will took about months to heal... And you have been unconscious for 3 weeks after the accident"

"How about my family? Are they okay?!"

I exclaim.

"I'm terrible sorry but your family didn't make it... They were injected with poison from the bullet they were shot and it consists of a forbidden drug, your siblings were confined with blood loss apparently there is a possibility they might die after the test"

The shackles were destroyed when I force to begged the doctor the cause of the test.

But he didn't say anything... The police then came to my approach and I quickly shove myself to the wall just to avoid their hands getting me to be shackled once more.

No matter what I do they caught me and brought me in jail, I was confirmed as a suspect and most importantly a criminal that beholds the cause of my family's death.

They accused me... WHY?

At that time I knew I obtain a pathetic ability that took away my humanity and for the cost of my family, I didn't know how, and why did it have to be me, but something is sure someone already knows about this.

Even as a little kid they still can't investigate further more then the bystander that only told a lie, why? I'm still young!... I lost my family because of someone that ambushed our house... I almost died... And yet why? WHY THE HELL YOU PEOPLE AREN'T SMART ENOUGH THAT I'M INNOCENT?! I didn't do anything wrong. I'm still freaking 7 damnit.

After being locked up with no freedom to even live as an ordinary kid. I heard a rumour from across the halls that they will end my life. That's why I decided to break free and disguised as someone else using my ability. I also erase my own memories in hopes I won't remember a single thing about this garbage life.

My once brown hair that I inherited from my mom I replace it with a red color, and my eyes were nonetheless I replace it with blue like the Sky, my ability is still practically intacted with my body so I can't removed it from turning red when I'm furious.

Everything I was born with became something I don't look forward to remember in my memory, I shattered everything including all my happiest memories from my family... I don't have a choice... I want to keep on living... Even though I failed to protect my siblings.

I'm no longer the fugitive Kiken Kazuhiko you know I'm Takeshi Kagutsuchi the new renowned kid who escape from his terrible childhood.

My ability was unknown but I can tell I have wield more then 20 powers in my previous life.

"Telekinesis, time leap, invisibility, change of appearance, necromancy, conjuration, and many more"

As I have gotten out of prison I quickly removed the clothes from my body and found my stash of clothes at the forest.

It was a just a pair of clothes that I bought from my home. (Clothes are in the picture above) although it still fits no matter how many years it will be stuck here.

Sora  (Charlotte)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu