02. Delightfully Golden

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"What?" The Smith girl all but squeaked. Nancy's glare was harsh and scrutinising, like she ws looking for some answer in Aurora's demeanour.

"You're so different today. I can't explain it." Said the eldest Wheeler child, leaning back slightly before pushing her arms over her chest.

An awkward scoff left Rory's lips, avoiding looking her best friend in the eye. "I wear this all the time, Nance. Nothing's changed."

"Something has changed, and it's not your clothes."

"I-I don't know what you--"

"Oh. My. God." Nancy interrupted Aurora's poor excuse for an argument, thick lashes going all the way up to her raised eyebrows. Nancy's lips parted, raising up slightly with an expression that said that she had figured out something that she shouldn't have. "It's Steve! You did it, didn't you!" The accusation came quick, with a playful smack to the arm. "Why didn't you tell me?! Was it good, at least? Is it as big as everyone says? Was he gentle? Did it hurt--"

"Nancy!" The small blonde cut off her friend. "What are you talking about?"

"He's watching you like a hawk, Smithy!" She pushes a freshly manicured finger over Aurora's shoulder, pointing directly where Steve stood watching the encounter. His hair danced over his forehead, but his eyes were most definitely set on Aurora's form. Steve's lips twitched upwards when the two squabbling girls looked over at him, the smaller of the two's cheeks positively blushing pink. "He's got that whole protective thing over you, like something's changed between you." In all fairness, the blonde was actually very impressed with Nancy's detective skills, at how well she could read her friend after being next to her for less than five minutes. "Well? Tell me!"

"Wheeler, there's nothing to tell." The blonde shook her head, turning back to her locker. There was a moment of heavy silence between the two. But all these things, all this newfound pleasure, just Steve in general, she just had to tell someone something. "At school, at least."

Nancy's smile grew like the Cheshire Cat. "I knew it! My house, after school. We'll phone Barb and you are telling us everything!"

She agreed, lips practically aching from the way that she resisted smiling like a madwoman. Shuffling her books awkwardly into one arm, the small girl entered the code for her locker, opening the small door quickly. It would have been quick, if not for the note that came falling down, and almost out of her locker into the eyeliner of one very curious Nancy wheeler. Thankfully, she caught the folded oar with the same hand that had opened up her locker, the one with the glimmering silver ring.



The sound of smacking lips fills the cool air of the boy's empty changing rooms. Amongst the abandoned clothes and dragged in November leaves on the bottom of abandoned sneakers, heavy hands petted the denim fabric of Aurora's shaky thighs. King Steve, in all of his glory, sat open legged upon the empty bench in the lonesome room. Between his parted thighs stood a nervy Aurora, though none of her concerns were voiced, instead only tiny whimpers of unknown pleasure falling from her throat. Steve's seated position was just as tall as Aurora standing, her fingers weaved into the back of his perfect locks. The kisses shared between them were feverish and yet saccharine, gentle like the sweet girl in front of him, fresh paint stains adorning her clothes. The only thing in the world that mattered in that moment was pulling the blonde closer to him. He did, swallowing her moan at the action of his dominant hands. Said hands fall to the backs of her knees, encouraging the girl to place them on the bench, to straddle his lap. She shakes to the touch, letting out a shaky Steve. He hums against her cherry lips, grinning at the weight of her on top of him. He fingers at the frayed fabric around her waist, basks in the way that the denim stretches around her thighs, the feeling of her yellow knitted cardigan against his bare arms. Even after all these hours, he still beams at the thought that he was the first to take Aurora's orgasm, that his words alone were enough to have her crumbling down on top of her teddy bear. Such innocence, such sweetness, it has him hardening impossibly.

¹ PLAY DATE ʚɞ steve harringtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora