Aiden's hands clenched into fists at his sides, not as a show of aggression, but rather to emphasize the sincerity of his words. His posture remained relaxed, despite the high stakes conversation.

"Look," Aiden continued, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know that this is hard for you to accept, and I understand why. You're her brother, and you've always been there for both Lucy and me. But we didn't plan this. It just happened, and we can't go back."

Mason stared at Aiden for a long moment, his jaw clenched, and eyes narrowed. The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions.

"Give me one reason," Mason said, finally breaking the silence, "why I should trust you with my sister's heart."

"Because I love her, Mason." Aiden's eyes shone with sincerity, and his voice was soft yet determined. "And because you know me better than anyone. You know that I would never intentionally hurt either of you."

"Is it worth risking our friendship for?" Mason asked, his voice tight with emotion.

"Can't we have both?" Aiden pleaded, his eyes searching Mason's face for any sign of understanding. "I dont want to lose you, man. Weve been through so much together. I value our friendship more than anything. Please, lets not let this come between us."

Mason sighed, rubbing his temples as if trying to ease an ache behind his eyes. Aiden held his breath, waiting for his friend's decision. The air around them seemed to thicken with anticipation, and the sounds of the city faded into the background.

"Alright," Mason said slowly, exhaling a deep breath. "I trust you, Aiden. But if you ever hurt her... I won't forgive you."

"Thank you, Mason," Aiden breathed out in relief, his shoulders relaxing as the tension dissipated. "I promise you won't regret this."

Mason's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched as he stared at Aiden with disbelief. The tension in the dimly lit alleyway was palpable, and the distant hum of city life seemed to fade into nothingness. His voice was cold and sharp when he finally spoke.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out, Aiden? That you could keep this secret from me?" He took a step closer, his face inches away from Aiden's, their gazes locked in a fierce battle of wills.

Aiden swallowed hard, trying to steady himself against the onslaught of Mason's anger. But he stood his ground, not allowing fear to diminish his resolve. "It wasn't my intention to keep it a secret, Mason," he replied, his voice wavering only slightly. "I just... I didn't know how to tell you."

"Didn't know how to tell me?" Mason scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've been sneaking around with my sister behind my back, and you didn't know how to tell me?"

Aiden closed his eyes briefly, fighting the surge of guilt that threatened to overwhelm him. "I'm sorry, Mason. But you have to understand—I didn't plan for any of this. It just... happened."

"Is that supposed to make it okay?" Mason snapped, his voice rising in volume. "Just because it 'just happened'?"

"Of course not," Aiden countered, his own anger beginning to surface. "But what do you want me to do? Pretend like I don't feel anything for Lucy?"

"Damn it, Aiden!" Mason shouted, throwing his hands up in frustration. "This isn't about your feelings! This is about betraying my trust!"

"Would you have rather I lied to you?" Aiden shot back, his voice strained with emotion. "Kept everything hidden? I'm trying to be honest with you, Mason, and I'm sorry if that's not what you want!"

"Stop making this about you!" Mason hissed, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're the one who crossed the line, Aiden. You're the one who put us in this mess!"

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