"Sometimes I worry about what Mason would do if he ever found out," Lucy confessed, biting her lip nervously. "He loves you like a brother, Aiden, but he can be so... intense when it comes to me."

Aiden exhaled slowly, his brow furrowing as he contemplated their predicament. "I know, Lucy. I've seen that protective side of him more times than I can count. But I also believe that, deep down, he wants you to be happy."

"Even if it means being with his best friend?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

"Even then," Aiden replied firmly, a spark of determination in his eyes. "We just have to give him time to come around, to see how much we mean to each other."

Lucy nodded, drawing strength from Aiden's conviction as they pressed their foreheads together, silently vowing to face whatever obstacles lay ahead, hand in hand.

The moment seemed to freeze as if suspended in time, their breaths mingling and hearts racing. Caught in a passionate embrace, Lucy and Aiden were completely unaware of the approaching storm that would soon shatter their fragile sanctuary.

"Lucy!" The door to her bedroom burst open with a violent crash, and Mason stormed into the room, his face twisted in shock and fury. "What the hell is going on here?"

Aiden's arms instinctively tightened around Lucy, as if protecting her from the wrath of her older brother. She felt her heart plummet, the weight of reality crashing down upon them.

"Mas..." Lucy whispered, her voice trembling as she tried to find the words to explain. The air was thick with tension, suffocating them all.

"Of all people, Aiden?" Mason's voice boomed, filled with betrayal and raw anger. "My best friend? You've been sneaking around with my sister behind my back?"

"Look, Mason, it's not what you think," Aiden said, his voice calm but firm, trying to defuse the situation. "We didn't mean for this to happen."

"Didn't mean for it to happen?" Mason scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "You expect me to believe that? How long has this been going on?"

"Months," Lucy admitted, her voice barely audible as she clung to Aiden, seeking solace in his unwavering presence. "But we never meant to hurt you, Mason. It just... happened."

"Damn it, Lucy! And you, Aiden, I trusted you with my life!" Mason raged, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "I brought you into our family, and this is how you repay me?"

"It wasn't like that, man," Aiden insisted, his grip on Lucy tightening ever so slightly. "You have to believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you or Lucy."

"Then why, Aiden?" Mason's voice broke, his eyes now glistening with unshed tears. "Why did you betray me like this?"

A heavy silence engulfed the room, punctuated only by their ragged breaths and the sound of hearts breaking.

"Because... we love each other," Lucy finally whispered, her voice trembling as she stared with pleading eyes at her brother. "I know it's hard to understand, but our feelings just grew stronger the more time we spent together."

"Love?" Mason spat the word out like venom. "You two have no idea what love is! Aiden, you're supposed to be my best friend! And now you're telling me you love my sister?"

Aiden looked into Mason's eyes, his heart heavy with guilt and pain. "Mason, I swear, I didn't plan for this to happen. But you know how much I care about your family. Just because I love Lucy doesn't mean I don't care about our friendship."

"Care about our friendship? This isn't how you show it!" Mason shouted, his face flushed red with anger. He turned to Lucy, his expression a mixture of hurt and disappointment. "And you, Lucy. I thought I knew you better than this. I thought you had more sense."

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