Rotxo's childhood

Start from the beginning

Rotxo suddenly lays on his back, landing with a thud on the sand. He lets go of a deep breath as he places both hands on his now hot face.

He didn't even realize he had been blushing until now.

"Why did you do that, Ma?" He groans, ashamed of himself as he rethinks the entire conversation.

"Well, you have to start talking to her somehow." She teases, nudging his shoulder.

"I can barely get a sentence out when I am around her. How am I supposed to get through dinner?"

"You do not have to speak when you are eating. That is about as much advice as I am going to give you."


As Eupleayra is finishing up their dinner, Rotxo fiddles with his fingers as he waits for Ona to arrive at their home.

He feels like a nervous wreck just thinking about conversation starters.

Once Ona is finally there, he refrains from looking at her, knowing his blood would rush directly to his cheeks. He didn't understand how she made her feel this way if he had known her most of his life. He wanted to make it stop before he made any irrational decisions.

"Your food is as delightful as always." Ona tells Rotxo's grandma, a sincere tone woven in her voice.

"I am glad you like it, darling." She replies back.

"What do you think, Rotxo?" Ona asks, trying to get him to speak.

Rotxo clears his throat before responding, "I think I'm so used to ma's great food, that I can't have new reactions to it." He says.

Ona nods in understanding, taking another piece of food to eat.

"Ona," Eupleayra starts, "do you remember when you and Rotxo were inseparable little kids?" she asks, smiling at her own antics.

"Ma, she probably does no-"

"I do." Ona softly says. She chuckles lightly, seemingly reminiscing at the moment. "We used to go around the village telling people we were destined to be mates once we grew up."

Rotxo suddenly chokes on his food, pounding at his chest to relieve himself.

He quickly catches a deep breath, getting scared looks from the women around him.

"Rotxo, are you okay?" Ona asks, her voice laced with concern.

"I think I need a moment." Rotxo stands up, making his way toward the exit of his home.

Ona sighs, "Is it something I said?" Rotxo hears this, stopping in his tracks for a moment.

"No, Ona, you are perfect." He assures.

Ona's eyes widen at his declaration, making Rotxo realize what he had just said. He face palmed, quickly exiting the place and leaving the women alone.

"I'm sorry about my grandson," Eupleayra says. "he has grown to be a typically shy boy."

"But whenever he's around Ao'nung, he's more of an extrovert. I've seen it with my own eyes!" Ona states.

"Ao'nung is another case, dear."

"Then why is he like this with me?" Ona's voice slightly breaks before continuing, "Please be honest... why did he stop talking to me?"

"Stop talking to you?"

"Yes. He has been avoiding me for some time. It is like he doesn't want to be near me." Ona lowers her head, "He did not even seem too happy about me visiting." she says.

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