My body went rigid as I tried to play it cool. I could hear my heartbeat in my head as they stared at me.

"No." It wasn't a complete lie. I don't think Wade's a superhero. I'm not sure what he does actually.

They both nodded but unfortunately Dad still looked suspicious.

"When can I leave the lab?" I asked changing the subject. This cot is starting to hurt my back and all I want is my bed.

"Whenever you feel like you can move," Dad responded. "Jarvis said your concussion and bruises will heal over time but you can still move around."

I nodded. "What about my awards? Remember, I missed graduation." I said sadly. I really wanted to be there. I still needed to check on Harry, too. I tried to text him but he didn't respond.

"I went down to the school and got your awards," the voice was feminine and it came from behind my parents.

They both turned around and revealed Aunt Tasha walking into the lab. She was wearing her usual heels and carry papers and a trophy of some sort.

"A Honor Roll, Citizenship Award, Best in AP Calc., Best in AP Chemistry-" she began shuffling through papers and reading them out loud. She walked over to me and handed me the awards.

I smiled at my accomplishments and took them gratefully. "Thanks Aunt T." She nodded and smiled.

Pops came over to looks at my awards too. "I'm so proud of you, Peter." He said. I smiled and looked up at him. I handed him the awards so he could look at them. Dad came over and looked at the awards over Pops' shoulder.

They mutter things among themselves before Dad sighs signifying that he's given in. He moves to the side of my bed and places a hand on my arm.

"I'm proud of you too, Pete. So proud. It's just- I want you to know that you can tell us anything, alright. Anything," he said. His eyes were glassy with tears. I'd never seen my Dad cry before.

I reached up and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly. "I can't lose you Peter," he said in my ear. I nodded into his shoulder and kept my eyes shut so no tears would slip out.

"I know I'm sorry, Dad." I said once we pulled back. He smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, son."

There was a sound of glass crunching by the door and we all turned to see Uncle Bruce carrying a tray of food.

"Who broke the door?" He asked walking over to us.

I pointed at Pops and started laughing when Dad pointed at him too. Pops slapped Dad's hand down and we laughed.

"I brought you some food, Pete." Uncle Bruce said setting the tray on my lap. My stomach instantly growled at the sight of the food. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon and a cup of orange juice stared back up at me.

I picked up the fork and started shoving the food down my throat. They all laughed and talked. Within 5 minutes I was done, chugging down the last sips of juice in the cup.

Pops took the tray and I thanked Uncle Bruce. He nodded and smiled. Pops walked back upstairs with the tray with Dad following behind him holding my awards.

"Jarvis, I need a new lab door," Dad said to the AI hiding in the ceiling.

"Right away, sir." It responded instantaneously.

My dads bickered back and forth going up the stairs. When they were out of earshot, Uncle Bruce laughed and shook his head.

"Those two are polar opposites," he said.

"Opposites attract," Aunt Tasha retorted with a smile.

I laughed and grunted from the pain in my chest. It was quiet before Aunt Tasha spoke up again.

"I knew."

I furrowed my brow and looked at her. "Knew what?"

"About," she pointed her finger to the spider symbol on my chest, "that."

It was my turn to be surprised. My breath caught in my throat before relaxing. "Y-You knew I was Spider-Man?"

Uncle Bruce looked surprised too. She smiled and nodded. "And I knew you and Wade had a thing," she said surprising me again.


"I'm a spy, Peter, it's what I do."

"How come you never told Dad or Pops?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged, "It wasn't my information to tell."

"Thank you," I smiled gratefully.

She smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "You're welcome." She turned on her heels to leave.

"Oh, and Clint knew about Wade too," she said while walking to the door.

Oh my gosh. What didn't they know? "Did he know about Spider-Man?" I asked.

She stopped at the broken glass door and turned back around to look at me. She had a small smirk on her face.

"Of course not. He's not smarter than me," she winked and left.


Um, I don't have anything to say but thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

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