The ED

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The automatic doors to the emergency department of Chicago Med opened with a soft mechanical hum. Luna had her backpack on one shoulder as she stepped in wearing teal scrubs while she immediately noticed others wore either a deep blue or a maroon.

'Shit, first day and I already stick out like a sore thumb'

People were stealing glances as they made their way around the rooms and the main desk. "Well good morning dr newbie" a taller woman smiled at Luna, who instinctively smiled back. Her skin was dark and smooth, deep brown eyes that seemed to be soul searching took in Luna's small frame, equally dark hair was pulled up into a half ponytail while the rest fell down her back. Laughing, Luna held her hand out to shake but she revived a hug in stead.

"Yeah, haha; I was recruited right from med school, I'm Luna Owens" surprised that with this nurse Luna was able to give a genuine smile.

"Dr. Luna~" the nurse responded as she hooked arms with her. "I'm Maggie, the charge nurse here; let me introduce you to everyone"

Luna thought it would be whoever is free and one on one, however Maggie decided that calling everyone's attention to her still linked arms with the charge nurse.
"Everyone, this is our new ED resident, Luna Owens!" Her hazel eyes darted from person to person as she smiled through her very obvious embarrassment and made little waves.

That was when her eyes locked with the deep browns of a man who she didn't expect to see. He was attractive, upright, didn't seem like he belonged there. His posture seemed almost militant, Luna would know; her entire family is military but she was the first one to break the chain. Make her sort of a black sheep; first medical resident who wanted to help the 'common folk' in the horrible terms of her father. Luna expected the same militant behaviour he experienced her entire life.
"Dr Choi! Come meet your new resident"
Luna could feel the anxiety rose in her throat as he walked closer.
"Hello, I'm Dr Ethan Choi chief of the ED. We are happy to have you"

Lu was taken aback at how smooth his voice was, the strength of his grip and eye contact made her blush. Her grip on Maggie tightened and she could of sworn she saw a smile out of the corner of her eye but she brushed it off. Dr Choi nodded at her and turned to walk away, another patient needed his attention.

"Well that was embarrassing-" Luna couldn't help but chuckle at her own awkwardness.
"Don't worry too much, you'll fit right in" she cooed, trying to ease her anxiety and obvious embarrassment.
"Thanks Maggie" Lu returned the smile as she watched Maggie float away to attend to her duties. Left there, in a very eye catching teal set of scrubs did Luna grasp the feeling of where she was.

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