Heading to the snake table, I almost choke on my water hearing the familiar voice of the two men that have been leaving me on edge. Turning around I see the kids surrounding them, fascinated by their strength. 

They look, soft around them, warm, this gives me enough courage to step forward from the shadow of the trees. 

This grabs Bucky's attention, "Charlotte! I didn't know you'd be here!"

Yeah right.

I smile softly, "Bucky, Steve, I didn't think you guys would be here. I didn't know you two were friends!"

Steve smiles, "We go way back, he's my childhood friend."

I nod, looking at the kids, "Go on now, shoo!"

Making a silly face the children, run off screaming in excitement and joy. 

Bucky speaks up as I walk over to them, silently cursing that I left my bag on the stage.

"We actually wanted to see if we could help?"

Looking at the two, I nod, "Ok, we need a coach for Baseball and a helper in the Mechanic station out west."

They nod, Steve smiles, "Hope to see you around."

I nod, watching them walk off to their respective places.

That wasn't so bad.

With them occupied and quickly becoming popular with the parents, women, and children, I make my way to the grill.

My dad taught me well since he didn't have any sons to pass his grilling skills to. Sexist I know, but what can you do?

Luckily the Dad who provided the meat marinated it, but seeing as they were too busy with their kids or drinking beers I decided to take over. 

The amount of trust they have in me is crazy but maybe my grill talk was enough to make them relax. 

Slapping the meat on the grill, while the sides chill in the various of coolers everyone brought I feel at ease as the sun slowly tries to disappear from the sky. The others start to set up the lanterns and lights, along with the chairs, tables, and blankets for everyone to eat. 

"Didn't know you were a master behind the grill."

I turn, smiling at Jacob, "My Dad taught me everything I know."

Feeling him walk closer to me, he leans against the now empty table. 

"One of these days I have to invite you over to my place, and show you the new grill I got."

An odd statement, but before I could reply Steve's voice fills the air, "I don't think she wants to see your grill."

Closing the grill top, I turn around to see both men standing behind Jacob. 

Jacob looks up at the two looking a bit, scared.

I place my hand on my hip, "What are you two doing here?"

Bucky crosses his arms, continuing to stare at Jacob, "We came here to help."

Jacob looks over at me, "Do you feel that? A droplet, I should probably check on the tablets."

Rushing off I raise an eyebrow, "But it isn't supposed to rain, even the sky is still clear."

Looking back at the two they give me warm smiles, "I can't seem to avoid you two, come over here and help me grill the meat. Handing the two some extra utensils, I move over to focus on the fish. 

Looking over at them, I see Bucky with BBQ sauce in hand and Steve closing the vents because of the smoke.


I take the bottle of sauce out of his hand, "Too early!"

And open the vent, pushing Steve back a bit so the smoke won't get in his face, "And it needs to breathe."

The two look flushed, making me raise an eyebrow, "You two don't know a thing about grilling, do you?"

Their faces say it all, making me laugh, "You too are something else."

Standing between them, I smile, "Watch and learn from the master."

Showing them the ropes, they quickly start to adjust, following my instructions, leading to the food finishing right when the sun begins to set. Jacob set up the projector for the kids, while the three of us help everyone get their food and drinks. 

The day turned out to be a success, while the kids ate their ice cream everyone finished cleaning up. As everyone begins to go home, Steve grabs my attention, "Can we walk you home."

Looking at the two waiting for me to answer I smile, gripping my bag, "No, but you can walk me to my shop."

They smile at my answer, walking with me down the dimly lit street. The conversation is nice and sweet, but that doesn't stop me from fiddling with the pepper spray in my pocket when they're not looking.

Finally making it there I smile at the two, "Thank you for walking me back."

Bucky smiles, "No problem, but before you go, we wanted to ask you something."

I grow nervous, "Yes?"

Steve takes a small step forward, making me take a step back. It doesn't go unnoticed but he continues, "We wanted to see if you would like to have lunch with us tomorrow."

My shoulders drop, that's what they wanted to ask me? This is why they've been acting nervous, acting weird.

I laugh a bit, "Sure."

Their eyes shine at my reply making me feel fuzzy inside, this is odd, they're odd, but maybe they're not so bad.

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