Heart Beat

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Louis woke up; the sun shining through the window by his desk. He needed some coffee. Louis came down the stairs. Zayn was laid down on the couch, watching the news.

Zayn looked up. "This shit is so fucking boring."

Louis started fixing his coffee and changed his mind. "Then change it, Zayn."

"I'm too lazy to change it"

Louis looked over at Zayn and laughed. He was annoying but Louis could not live without him. Today, Louis was taking the car. Didn't want Zayn to lose his shit. Louis went upstairs to get ready and go to work.


Louis pulled up in front of the studio. There was music playing. Maybe someone had come early to practice. Finally, they're putting in effort. Maybe they will be ready for the competition. Louis pushed open the door and his jaw dropped. It was Harry. Harry was dancing. Except it wasn't the dance Louis taught? Harry's shirt and bags were in the corner. Louis' eyes looked at Harry; discovering new things every time. His tattoos. The concentration in his face. The way the music seemed to be a part of him. Harry had such strong arms. He was beautiful. Louis watched as Harry messed up on a move.

Louis stepped forward. "Don't stop,"

Harry turned around; wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that I didn't want to be late again so I came early. I got bored so I decided to dance. Sorry."

Louis laughed. Harry apologized a lot.

"It's okay. Come here."

Harry walked over.

"To do that move, you have to hold your core. You have core muscle. I see it. Use it. Stand up straight please"

Louis walked a little closer to Harry. "May I touch you?"

Harry nodded. Louis placed his hands on Harry's hips and guided him through the move. Louis felt his own heart beat speed up.

Calm the fuck down, Louis


Oh, did Louis say that out loud?

"Nothing, Harry."

Louis stepped back, clearing his throat. He left to get his stuff together, leaving Harry in the middle of the studio. 

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