"It was mental."

"You had a funeral.

"Jennifer Hayes was craving.

"And Troy peed himself."


"In front of the whole school!" Jennifer couldn't help but lightly chuckle at the enthusiastic kids infant of her. Will copied the girl, laughing aloud as well, though it was cut short as he quickly began to cough.

"You okay?" Mike asked.

"It got me. The Demogorgon."

"We know. It's okay. It's dead." Jennifer looked at the four for a moment longer before walking back outside the room. When she spotted Nancy's chair now vacant, the girl assumed she had walked into the room right after without Jennifer noticing.

The girl began walking down the hallway ready to finally go home, though before she got far, she heard her name being called from behind her. "Jennifer!" He called out, walking quickly to catch up with her. Jennifer turned to see Steve walking up to her. "Here." He said, handing her a blue piece of cloth.

She furrowed her eyebrows, confused for a moment before she remembered about the cut she had across her cheek. "Oh, uh, thanks." She said, giving him a half smile. Steve simply nodded his head, looking at her for a moment longer before going back to his seat.

As Jennifer walked out of the building, she held the cloth to her cheek. Most of the blood had dried up, however it was still somewhat fresh so small splotches made their way onto the fabric. She pulled out yet another cigarette, lighting it before placing it between her lips. She knew she'd hate herself for it later, but in that moment, she couldn't care. Besides, if anything she deserved it.


THE SKY WAS PITCH BLACK, AND THOUGH SHE DIDN'T KNOW THE EXACT TIME, SHE KNEW SHE WAS LATER THAN HER DAD WOULD HAVE LIKED. Not only was she worried about coming up with an excuse as to why she was out so late, but also the whole fighting incident with Steve. The girl walked into her house trying to be as quiet as possible; yes, she knew her Father had already been told about what happened, but the girl would've preferred to talk about it with him when she wasn't so exhausted.

"Ahem." A deep voice was heard from the right of Jennifer. The girl swung her head to see her Dad standing in the kitchen, an unimpressed look on his face. Once she locked eyes with the man, disappointment hit her like a train.

"Yes, I know." She said before he could say anything. "I'm sorry, okay?" She spoke.

"Care to tell me why you, Jonathan, and Nancy were fighting with Steve Harrington and his friends in an alleyway?" He said, ignoring the girls previous words.

Jennifer softly sighed. "Steve thought Nancy was cheating on him with Jonathan. We were trying to leave but Steve kept pestering Jonathan, calling his family a disgrace and stuff." Jennifer explained, technically telling her father the truth. "Besides, Jonathan was the one fighting him." She said trying to defend herself. Yes, she felt bad for throwing Jonathan under the bus, but as far as any of the adults knew, it was only Jonathan who was fighting Steve.

Seeing the look on her Father's face, Jennifer was about to go to her room before he stepped towards her. "Then why are your knuckles bruised. Why is there a cut on your face. And why is your hand wrapped with a bandage." He listed, lifting her wrist to show the girl her own hand. Jennifer knew there was nothing else she could say to try and defend herself, so she kept quiet. Seeing as he automatically assumed the cut and the bandage on her hand was from the fight, she decided to leave it at that; it was easier than coming up with a reason that he may not have believed anyway.

Stepping away for a moment to get a damp cloth, Robert returned to softly press the cloth onto his daughters knuckles. Jennifer lightly hissed at the sudden coldness on her hand. The two were silent for a while before the girl spoke up. "I really am sorry." She admitted softly.

Robert looked lovingly at his daughter before nodding his head. "I know." He replied. He knew the girl had already been stressed without even considering the creature she was trying to hunt with her friends whilst she was out of the house. "Just, please try to keep out of trouble." He asked. Jennifer did nothing but nod her head, knowing that she was lying to the man who she loved dearly. The girl would have told her Father about Will, she knew that she should have. But how would she explain the body they found in the lake? She knew that he would find out soon enough, possibly even in the next few hours, so she decided it was best to let someone else explain it. Someone who wasn't about to pass out from exhaustion.

The two stayed downstairs for a little longer before Jennifer was dismissed. She rushed to her room, flopping down onto her bed and letting out a groan. After gaining back the energy to get up again, she walked over to the stereo on the side of her desk and pressed play, begging for the music to drown out all of the thoughts from her mind until there was nothing left.

'I don't mind you coming' here.'

'And wasting' all my time.'

''Cause when you're standin' oh so near.'

'I kinda lose my mind.'

'It's not the perfume that you wear.'

'It's not the ribbons in your hair.'

'And I don't mind you coming' here.'

'And wasting' all my time.'


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