Chapter 1

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Samantha Romanoff POV

I woke up to the sound of cuffs and not keys but a lock picker coming into contact, I opened my eyes to see Natasha my twin sister "Natasha what are you doing?" I asked in a quiet whisper "I'm getting us out of here" she replied in Russian "You'll get us caught and possibly killed" when my ears pricked up, all those experiments from HYDRA enhanced me, I have quicker healing, better hearing and speed and agility plus strength have all been enhanced Nat has it too, except she doesn't have enhanced hearing, we are Red Room agents who also work for HYDRA and got lent out to the KGB not long ago, I signaled to Nat in RSL (Russian sign language) with one hand still cuffed to the bed. Nat understood and went to her bed clicking the cuffs on her wrist again when it got unlocked by the Madam who then came over to mine. "Girls with me" she ordered emotionlessly, Nat and I looked at each other, quickly got changed and followed the Madam to her office, her heels clicking on the stone floor when we walked into her office she closed the door and gave us a file, on the front was a blurry photo of someone not that much older than Nat and myself, from what I could tell the person was male and had grey-green eyes, Nat began opening the file but I gripped her wrist stopping her, both she and the Madam looked at me "tell me how Yelena is first" I said coldly, the Madam sighed "she is fine" I nodded and allowed Nat to open the file.

Name: Unknown

Alias: Hawkeye

Nat snorted "Hawkeye?" she asked "He can see better from a distance" I replied, the Madam and Nat looked at me "I read ahead" I shrugged.

DOB: Unknown

Age: Unknown

"Unknown?" Nat asked "We assume he is around your age maybe a bit older" said the Madam, Nat nodded as I read ahead, he is an agent for SHIELD, he was in the US army and a mercenary afterwards before he was recruited by SHIELD. I have heard of him, he is the only one who can fight a widow, survive and possibly win, Hawkeye has killed lots of Widow's "Hawkeye has killed lots of our agents and we have intel he is being sent to kill you two, kill him first" Nat and I nodded and shared a look, we had a secret pact, we would allow Hawkeye to kill us first.

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