
97 4 27

Must read!

Rules are boring I know but they are important! Thank you for understanding!

1. Cursing is allowed but nothing excessive please (just in case that's all. I wanna keep the book, I'm fine with the words and things themselves)

2. Smut is also allowed but because I would like to keep this book. Preferably taken to PM though please.
(If you wanna do more of a smut rp, just ask and we can do the rp in pms instead, I'm totally cool with that. I just don't want my book to be taken down.)

3. Please be descriptive and have a MINIMUM of 3 lines. Anything below and I will ask for more and if it keeps happening I will loose interest in the rp.

4. 3rd person only please!
He walked to over to her. "Where have you been?"

*walks up to her* Where have you been?

5. Please keep the rp moving! I don't want to be the only one trying to make things happen so it's not boring.

6. Please don't spam! If you do I will get annoyed and will likely end the rp. You can tag me after 48 hrs of me not replying (2 days). I know it sounds like a lot but I have a lot of uni work to do and well as having an actual life outside Wattpad.

8. Please don't control my character.

9. No over the top / overpowered characters. People have flaws.

10. Please WAIT until I have ACCEPTED your character before rping! And fill the form out in the form chapter, not here.

11. I have the right to end an rp/ say no to an rp and so forth. So please don't get all angry or whatever. And if you have been disrespectful to me or my characters then I will end the rp.

12. All genders and sexualities are welcome!

13. I may close certain characters for a bit if a lot of people are rping with them. I'm glad people like the characters but I would also like to play some of my others too

14. Multiple rps/ ocs are allowed! So don't worry about limits!

15. Have fun!

16. There is a fault in the rules, a password. Please tell me so I know you have read the rules.

17. Password 2: favourite emoji

I will delete the comment every time someone puts on the password just so I know people won't just copy the password without reading the rules. Or would be easier if you just pm me the password

Also warning, I suck of writing general starters. Like, I'm not very good with starters as it is, but unless i know your character where I can think of something more specific for them both, my starters are just awful haha Hence why I always prefer making them up with you.

Individual Roleplay Mark IIWhere stories live. Discover now