Chapter 2

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Darkness. All I saw was darkness. I realised my eyes were closed. As I opened them it was suddenly bright. I knew I wasn't at home in my bathroom. I was in a whole new world. I saw Hazel sleeping next to me snoring away. I gave her a poke and she twitched a bit, she suddenly opened her eyes tiredly.
"Natalie? Is that you? Where am I? What is this place? Is this is a dream? Did I have to much candy last night and passed out?" Said Hazel in confusion. I pulled her to her feet and pointed at everything as if we were in a zoo, admiring the animals. All around us was candy. Cotton floss clouds, Lollipop flowers, ice lolly trees, chocolate paths, wafer buildings and houses, strawberry milk rivers and surprisingly candy people. I could see the excitement in Hazel's eyes, they lit up like two glowing flames. She immediately started eating everything, pulling everything out of place and wrecking all of the scenery.
"Hazel! Stop! Or else you are going to get a sugar rush!" I said running to her. As soon as I touched her she snapped out of her sugar rush and said,"Natalie? What just happened? Did I have a sugar rush?" I nodded. She shook her head and got to her feet feeling a little sleepy. "Hazel we have to find a way out. But first of all how did we even get here?" I asked thoughtfully.
"I think I know how we got here, do you remember the mirror? How it was swirly, almost like a portal. I think that was a portal to this world! Yes I solved the case." said Hazel doing her happy dance.
"Ok but how are supposed to get out?" I asked. She stopped her happy dance and began to think. "Hey you! You aren't normal!" A voice from a far shouted. Me and Hazel exchanged glances in confusion, not sure if he was talking to us. We went were the voice was coming from and realised that he was talking to us! I suddenly understood why he said that. We were humans and he was candy! He was a donut cop, doing his usual duties. "Where did you... things come from?" He asked in anger, scared that we might harm him. "Um ya we sort of um..." I didn't have anything to say. "We come from the human world. We are not certainly sure how we came here though." Hazel said backing me up. The donut cop scratched his head thoughtfully. "Don't worry... things, I will help you get back home." He said happily with a big smile on his face.

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