The Main Couple: The ship

Start from the beginning

When it was leisure time they would spend time together, playing games or just lying on the beanie bags just the two of them. They would be lost in the own world, it was like the other members of safehouse didn't exist. When others would be playing around in the pool the two would be cuddled up in the bedroom just talking, it's crazy how they never ran out of things to talk about. Even if they didn't have anything to talk about the silence between them was never awkward, it was enjoyable and comfortable.

First enjoyed waking up next to Khaotung the most, even though Khaotung was difficult to wake up and was usually grumpy in the morning, he would shower him with cuddles until he woke up or make him a cup of coffee until his mood lifted up. For the past 3 days they have been there it was their routine. First will wake up with a smile on his face, wake up his grumpy kitten with cuddles and lead him to the kitchen where he would make him a cup of coffee. He especially liked to watch how Khaotung’s mood lifts up after a couple of sips of coffee.

On this particular day though First was very appreciative of how well Khaotung was taking care of him. How Khaotung paid attention to him and ensured that he was fine, it warmed his heart. So while they were sitting around First mentioned that he was hungry and that's when Khaotung suggested that they make some sausages.

So they made their way to the kitchen and Khaotung began chopping the sausages preparing to fry them, while First stood there not really helping but he was morally supporting his friend. That says a lot because they both knew that he was a complete disaster in the kitchen it was a miracle that he managed to make instant noodles without burning the entire kitchen. Khaotung felt like First cannot even boil water without somehow burning it.

So when Khaotung encountered some problems with the hot oil, New being the good cook he was came to the rescue. So as we all know wherever New goes Tay follows. So Tay and First were hanging around the kitchen counter, at a safe distance from the terrifying hot oil watching master chef New and his diligent assistant Khaotung frying chopped sausages for First.

First was looking at Khaotung thinking how adorable Khaotung was and how cute he has been lately. So once the sausages were dished up, and he was inviting everyone to taste the wonderful creation his bestfriend cooked for him. A thought came to him while he watched Khaotung.

So First being First touched Khaotung’s shoulder getting his bestfriend to look at him then proceeded to touch his head and bluttered out " Suddenly there's a voice in my head that keeps saying 'Khaotung is so cute' and it's making me confused." Khaotung stopped chewing and stood frozen staring at his friend after his sudden confession.

Tay and New who were with them looked at each eyes widened too stunned to speak smiled and quickly left the kitchen. Even Foie who was busy doing God knows what stopped in his tracks stunned and immediately left the kitchen following Tay and New.  Seeing his seniors reactions First sensed he might have made a mistake somehow. He tried following them trying to explain what he meant but he himself didn't even know what he meant.

He went back to the kitchen flustered, ears red and face flushed to try to explain to his bestfriend what he meant. "You get what I meant right. You understand right?" First said while Khaotung who was also flustered by First's sudden confession nodded while he continued diligently eating the meal he had prepared. First paced up and down panicking he knew he would face probably a life time of teasing from his friends, especially from his brother Tay. Khaotung continued eating watching the poor kitten panic.

And just like First thought the teasing began, they started interrogating him as to why he thought Khaotung was cute. The juniors as well joined in the teasing parade, they did a mock interview with Fourth as the host interviewing First to explain what were his thoughts when he made the confession. Needless to say everyone had a lot of fun teasing First that day, including the fans.

The mood among the members was lively and everyone was getting along very well and the teasing subsided. However on this particular night, the night before Tay had to leave the house. Foei along with White made a stupid joke insinuating doing something non-consensual to First as his brother Tay will not be there anymore to protect him.

While the others laughed and Tay along with First were confused. Khaotung caught on the joke and to say that he found it distasteful would be an understatement. He is usually level headed but at that moment he wanted to pounce at his seniors and punch them but he knew he couldn't do that, not while everything was being filmed live. He couldn't understand what they were thinking, and why everyone else who were laughing thought the joke was remotely funny. The whole situation left a bitter taste in Khaotung’s mouth and he lost his appetite. 

After a while First understood the joke and although it hurt him, he decided to power through it and kept smiling. He did notice how upset Khaotung was and that made him feel even worse, more than the joke itself. So he focused his attention on cheering up his bestfriend, the only person that mattered to him in that house.

The next morning was filled with awkward tension. The cheerful noise that the members would make in the morning turned into tense silence. The other members probably realized how inappropriate the joke was and how their reaction made things worse. Khaotung woke up even grumpier that day, even with First's efforts to cheer him up he remained grumpy.

Foie and White approached First after their morning activities and it had to take great strength for Khaotung to prevent himself from stopping them to step even an meter closer to First. But he knew he needed to let it go, he was close by if his friend needed him and not even the cameras were going to stop him from punching them if they did or said anything out of line. They both apologized for their behavior of the previous night, while First felt extremely uncomfortable even thinking about that joke he had decided to power through it so with a smile he forgave them and told them to forget about it.

Khaotung was livid as to why First forgave them so easily but he knew how sweet and forgiving  his ftiend was so he couldn't do anything about it. That day they both knew they needed each other, they didn't need to say anything, they just knew. So they spend the entire day together, First watched Khaotung make filtered coffee while making conversation, he dried Khaotung’s hair and Khaotung even did skincare for First. While others tried to  get back to normalcy by interacting and hanging out together. First and Khaotung decided to get lost in their own world, their safe space and their safe space was with each other.

The days flew by and things started to get back to normal. Except that Khaotung was now more protective over First, he was everywhere where First was. Despite his dislike of skinship he found himself cuddling and snuggling next to First more than he usually did, and First didn't mind it at all. After all he was in love with Khaotung. 

It was the last day and all the members were reunited, Tay and New had returned to the house and the two brothers were still clingy as ever with the inclusion of Khaotung this time. Everyone gathered together to read the messages they wrote to each other. Khaotung and First's messages to each other were simple.

"Thank you" - First (First's message to Khaotung)

"I love you" - Khaotung ( Khaotung’s message to First)

They didn't need to say a lot to each other. Only they knew what they meant to each other, they didn't need to express it in words. They just knew by looking at each other what they were to each other.
Thank you for reading this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated and welcome.  Sorry it's a long one I did say the end is near so thank you to everyone who stayed tuned to the story so far. I will be uploading the last chapter soon. Rak na jub jub. 🍊🐈🐈‍⬛

A/N: There might be a special chapter that I might post but it will depend on how the last chapter goes 🧡🧡

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