1- Meeting him

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Being diamond of the isn't always easy. Everything you do has to be perfect, without error.

*you fell of your horse and you curse when you see him continue to gallop away from you*

Damn it you horse!! *you scream out*

"Damn it," you cry again, You're still angry, as you glance around, you notice a carriage.

"I suppose the horse doesn't really like you" the man jokes, eyes narrowing, as he gestures for you to take his hand. "Go. I'll find my way on foot," you snap at him. you kind of regret talking to him like that. Your mother would turn in her grave.

" That's no way to talk to the viscount."He stares hard at you not amused by your words, his mouth forming into a thin smile as his nostrils narrow, eyes glowering at you. He's not one to easily give up, so you'd assume he just won't let you leave.

"You'll get lost," Anthony argues, and gestures at his carriage. "Get in. Now." He commands, his tone firm, and there's little you can do to resist because you feel guilty for talking to him like that, that's no way for a lady to talk.

What is the diamond of the season, doing here all alone in this weather, it's pouring down *anthony asks with concern*

"I was going for a ride to try to avoid my mother, but apparently my horse hates me too today." You roll your eyes, before sighing heavily, you feel the cold water run down your back. "Now my clothes are all wet and I have no change on me." you mutter in annoyance.

"You look chilled to the bone", he laughs, taking his coat off and placing it around your shoulders, "I can't just leave you out here." Your cheeks turn a shade of pink as he laughs. 'Are you always this chivalrous?"

I see lord Bridgerton, you're the funny one at home. *says with rolling her eyes jokingly* but normally my horse loves me. Don't know what has gotten into him.

"I think the cold has driven him insane"  He laughs, "Are you going the same way I was?" He asks curiously, placing his coat around your shoulders firmly and turning towards the road.

I was going to London, i need space from my mother. She is driving me up the wall with the million dresses I have to putt on, making sure my skin is as smooth as a baby. *sighs annoyed*

"I don't blame you, my mother was the same as well. I couldn't get a moment of peace!" He grimaces, "I assume you're a high society member then, if she sends you to society events?" He asks, looking over at you thoughtfully.

"Do you want a break that badly?" He chuckles, "I don't mind a little detour." He gestures the carriage to move forward.

I do want a break but wait  you had to try dresses? That's rather surprising. *tries not to laugh*

""I'm joking around!" He laughs, "I'm a guy, I doubt any dresses I try on would fit me." He chuckles, "So you're a lady, then? I'm guessing you like to have fun, do things that your mother wouldn't approve?" He asks gleefully, he could never imagine having a daughter with how restrictive his mother was.

The carriage moves forward, and slowly the rain lightens. Anthony looks over to you with a bright eyed smile. "I like your smile, it's quite attractive." He smirks.

How would you know if you never tried one? I think baby blue would look gorgeous on you. *tries to hide her laugh with her hand*

Yes, you could put it that way. Being a lady i s such a restriction. You can't do that nor that.
It's exhausting. Sometimes you wish that you could be free. *says with a sad smile*

Thank you lord. Bridgerton for the compliment . Oh I just realised I've not yet introduced myself. I am lady Charlotte Hamilton.

"Lady Charlotte Hamilton, what a lovely name." Anthony smiles at you playfully, his grey-blue eyes looking into yours. "What a lovely smile you have as well, Lady Hamilton. I wish to see it more." He smirks, "You should try to make yourself more free, it's very good for the soul." He laughs again, "Especially at events, have to let your hair down a little."

I see our tour is nearly over, since we're arriving in London. Thank you the ride. I hope to see you more my lord. *steps of the carriage*

"I will make sure you do.." He looks thoughtful, "Are you really planning on staying here, or are you going to just visit?" Anthony grins playfully, he'd never heard of a lady who wished to roam free, it was quite a delight to see.

I do not know yet. I might find a reason to stay. And before you start im not implying anything. *says playfully*

You sure aren't. *anthony winks* he looks amused with the girl.

See you later lord Bridgerton.
Thank you for reading the first chapter. I don't know if I will make this a story or a oneshot book.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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