New Headcannons 1

140 10 16

- If rbb competitors were animals:
Kreek: Mouse
Poke: Sloth (ofc)
TanqR: Shark
Sabrina: Cat
DJ: howler monkey
Sanna: banana (i know it's not an animal, but i had to- )
Bella: watermelon (don't question it)
Flamingo: F L A M I N G O
Jake: wolf
Ominous: raccoon
Denis: also a cat
Russo: lion (definitely didn't steal that from XinLan62119 )

- TanqR has a pet shark (shork) XinLan62119 XinLan62119 XinLan62119 must summon shork XinLan62119 XinLan62119 XinLan62119

- Russo is short

- Nightfox is surprisingly tall

(this one short because i forgor 99.9% of my headcannons—)

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