Start from the beginning

°•°•the queen and false king glared at each other as both their lips parted to fire the command°•°•

°•°•"dracarys syrax"°•°•
°•°•"dracarys sunfyre"°•°•

°•°•as they said it at the same time, the two dragons opened their mouths as the flaming fire escaped and was directed at each other°•°•

°•°•syrax bright golden flames and sunfyre's slight dark yellow flames came together in great battle°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra gritted her teeth "come on girl, you can do it" her encouragement boasted syrax as the she dragon let out the most powerful roar, her flames increasing as she extended her wings leaning her fire downer—overpowering sunfyre°•°•

°•°•aegon felt the hot spewing flames near his body as his dragon roared out in pain as the fire landed on him. aegon felt a rush of panic overcome him as he snapped his eyes from his sister to his dragon, the wheels were turning in his head°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra could see this "this is your last chance brother, surrender!" her voice yelled with authority and demand, aegon shut his eyes tightly coming to a conclusion for the sake of his dragon°•°•

°•°•"i yield! i yield my crown and my men!" he yelled holding up his hands, rhaenyra eyed him briefly before nodding "enough now my love" she said softly to her dragon as syrax stopped her attack on sunfyre°•°•

°•°•"you have made the right choice half brother" rhaenyra will give it to him that he was brave to fight with her and show that he is worthy of being a dragon rider, and he was wise to surrender°•°•

°•°•now it was time to take her throne°•°•

°•°•now it was time to take her throne°•°•

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°•°•once syrax basically dragged sunfyre's body back to the dragonpit, rhaenyra's queens guard waited for her arrival as they immediately chained aegon and led him to the keep. rhaenyra mounted her white horse as she rode to the keep as syrax kept guard over sunfyre°•°•

°•°•the people cheered and fell to the knees in thanks as they saw their queen riding infront with a bounded aegon walking behind them with the guards keeping him close. once the people saw aegon, they all chanted "aegon the cruel" as they passed°•°•

°•°•they arrived at the red keep were rhaenyra saw midnight watching over the keep with her golden eyes keeping it on rhaenyra, the queen smiled to the dragon as midnight nodded her large head in respect°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra turned her eyes to her wife awaiting her arrival at the gates with her hands behind her back almost innocently—as if she didn't just slaughter the whole of the green guards all by herself and the blood on her armor was mere evidence. the prideful look glistening in her silver eyes as she looked to her wife°•°•

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