"It will be okay, my girls. Floo home. Your mother and I will be there shortly." He said softly, before turning to Monty.

"You have my word, no one will find out about this, my friend." He said, squeezing his shoulder.

Monty frowned looking out the door, into the gardens.

"I'm worried about what this will do to her." He said rubbing his face.

"It will be hard, but Lydia is strong. If anyone can handle it, it's her. You know you guys can come to us anytime, Fleamont." He said with one last nod, before flooing out of the manor.

"Why do you guys seem so prejudiced if you're not?" Sirius asked Bellatrix, genuinely curious.

"We have to keep up the front, cousin. That's why we're Slytherins. Hit him where he doesn't see it coming." She said with a smirk; shocking everyone in the hall.

The screen changes to an older James and Lydia. James is now nine, Lydia is now fifteen.

"Go Jamie!" She shouted with a smile as James was whipping through the air on his broom, laughing loudly.

James blushed seeing this, cuddling into his sister's side

James; who got distracted very easily, tried to show off to his sister, not seeing a flock of birds coming his way, Lydia's eyes went to the birds, biting back her laugh, James who was still unaware of the birds tried to stand up on his broom, until he and the birds collided, him falling onto the ground of the pitch with a groan

"I KNEW YOU SAW THEM!" James said with a gasp, as everyone else in the hall laughed at his misfortune

Lydia quickly made her way to James, trying to control her laughter, but what finally made her break was James coughing out a feather.

Lydia cackled seeing it "oh fuck I forgot about that, that's hilarious."

James glared at the girl, sending her a tickling hex, only making her laugh even more.

The screen flipped through little memories, Rose getting muggle education, to parties, dates, small stolen kisses,

To where they're showing now, the family of four on the platform smiling at eleven year old James.

"Have the best time at Hogwarts, Jamie." Lydia; the now seventeen year old said with a bright smile, while fixing his hair and straightening his clothes.

"I wish you could come with me" he said with a frown, wrapping his arms around her.
She smiled and hugged him tightly. "I'm gonna be okay, Jamie. Don't worry about me. Just enjoy your time and make lots of friends, okay?" She said. Pushing him towards the entrance of the train, watching until the train departed.

Mia and Monty watch the train, and then turn to their daughter sadly. "You're leaving now, aren't you?" The girl smiled sadly and leaned her head against her fathers chest, inhaling deeply.

"You know we'll support you and your decision every step of the way, my love. You're always welcome to come home if that's what you decide, are you sure you don't want to talk to Jamie about it before you go?"

"I always wondered why you didn't talk to me before you decided to leave." James said with a frown, threading his hand with his sister's.

Lydia sighed and looked at her little brother, "I knew if I said anything to you, i would have never left, but I was drowning. I needed to find out who I was, and that wasn't going to happen in this world. My biggest mistake though, was not speaking to you again after I left. I promise I won't do that again, baby brother." She said running her hand through his hair.

"Aunt Lydia is brilliant. She does great things in her life, she made the right decision, she just went about it wrong." Harry said while moving over to sit in front of his mom, who smiled brightly at him.

"I need to find my place in the world, every day I feel myself growing bitter, hating the fact that everyone around me is able to to everything that I have always dreamed about. I love you all more than anything, but I don't want that to be my future." Lydia said.

"As we said, we will always be here if you change your mind. Please let us know when you get to where you're going, my dove." Mia said, kissing her daughter's forehead, Monty coming in right after, pulling his daughter into a bone crushing hug.

"How long did it take you to decide to leave the Wizarding world? That  is if you don't mind me asking." Lily questioned the girl.

"Well, I had been thinking about it since I was probably around thirteen. After we found out I had no magic, I was enrolled in muggle schools, and I learned a lot about that world, and had a lot of different aspirations. I've followed through with a few already, but there's definitely more in my life that I would like to do." She said with a smile.

"Mmmm.. like Alex Karev, and Mark Sloane.." the Twisted Sisters said with a smirk.

Lydia gasped, "You sluts, don't talk about my sex life in front of my family!" She shouted tackling the two, which just made them cackle in response

-Please don't comment 'update' I promise more updates are coming, and honestly those comments take my motivation straight out of my body-

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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