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All signs pointed west. He'd head into the city in search of civilization. The silent roads were beginning to drive Noiz insane. He had few friends to begin with, well they were more acquaintances than anything. Even though he associated with few he still had people in his life. Something to keep him grounded with reality. Now, with a barren ghetto, he wasn't quite sure if he was even awake. Maybe everyone ditched town and he didn't get the memo. Regardless, he was in the middle of hot wiring an abandoned car to go find out.
The wires from beneath the steering wheel sparked between his fingertips. The engine roared to life and he climbed in and shut the door. 'Hmph, a half a tank of gas, not bad' he thought to himself. He rolled the windows down, resting his his elbow out the door. He was enjoying his new toy, a black 1967 Chevy Impala, the kind where you had to fill the gas in the back. How lucky he was to have found it driver side open a few blocks from the pawn shop. It was smooth and the engine ran good, if only the abandoner had left the keys. He turned up the radio and tore down the streets of the empty town, twisting and turning around various debris. It was about a ten minute drive into the big part of the city. He resided in the outskirts of Detroit, the true slums. It wasn't all bad, the people were crowded and poor, but they took the cards they were dealt and rode it out.
He was close, skyscrapers were in sight. There had to be someone, right? Though the closer he came the farther his hopes grew. Many of the buildings were in flames, the streets still as eerie as before. He slowed his speed, gun in hand for precautions. In the distance a figure could be seen limping awkwardly. He pulled to the side of the road, deciding to go out on foot. He headed towards the figure silently. As he approached he saw torn clothing and a bloodied face. It turned to him, skin hanging in various places. This looked nothing like his first attacker, it was way more grotesque...and fast.
It started running at Noiz, but no sooner collapsed to the ground with a bullet to the skull. The shot had echoed throughout the city. Noiz brought his hand up to his face to wipe some of the splattered blood off his cheek.
"Fucking gross." He started to reload when he heard someone jogging towards him, repeating something in distress.
"No no no no no!!!"
He aimed his gun at the boy running towards him.
"Wait, no! Don't shoot! Not again! Please listen to me!" The white haired male put out his gloved hands in defense. He adorned a lab coat and gas mask.
"Who are you?" Noiz interrogated.
"No time for that! They're coming!"
"Who's coming?"
"The infected! They're attracted to sound, and that gunshot you just pulled is a ringing dinner bell for them!"
Noiz lowered his gun and stared at the boy in confusion. 'Infected? By what?'.
"Look, you have to come with me."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Have I tried to sink my teeth into you? It's not safe, let's go!"
Noiz was thinking it over. This was the first 'human' he'd found since the start of this. Plus the boy seems to have a clue on what the hell was going on. He had no more time to think though as he heard crowds of groaning growing closer to them.
"Shit" he cursed under his breath. The snowy haired male gripped onto his wrist and began sprinting down the alley he came from.
"Quick, in here!"
The boy shoved Noiz into what seemed to be the back entrance to an old library. Bookshelves were toppled over, there was a hallway to the right of them with various office rooms and two restrooms classified by gender. He was led into one of the offices and the door was shut and locked by the other male.
"We should be safe here until they pass..hopefully." Noiz's wrist was still encased in the stranger's hand, so Noiz ripped it out and pushed their slim body up against the wall, pinning their hands next to their head.
"What are those things? Where is everyone? Who are you? Why are you helping me?" Noiz yelled at them.
"Whoa, one question at a time my friend!"
"I need answers."
"Okay, o-okay just calm down. Let's just sit and chat, I think we'll be stuck here a while."
He let out a breath of air and let the boy go, nodding at his statement. They walked over to a desk in the room and sat down in the chairs surrounding it.
The stranger took a deep breath as he released himself from the mask clinging to his face. Noiz took notice in the rather attractive male.
"My name is Clear. My grandfather was a clinical laboratory scientist, graduated from Harvard. He was studying a rare blood disease that was seen as terminal. The girl that was infected, she kept getting worse as the days went on. He went in with another doctor to check on her condition last night when she went crazy. She attacked the two of them, tried to bite at their limbs with her teeth. They couldn't sedate her, and she took off. I haven't seen my grandfather since he left for research. He called me after the attack and told me he was fine, but I haven't seen him since. After that everything went downhill. Whatever she had has spread throughout the city, maybe even further. People aren't people anymore."
The air was thick with tension. The two just stared at each other for a moment.
"So you mean to tell me, the people of this town are infected with some..mad cow disease? And it's driving them to eat other people?!"
"In simpler terms, yes."
Noiz sighed and leaned back, running a hand through his hair.
"How'd you know they were attracted to sound?"
"Just an observation I picked up after watching the chaos unfold. Oh and I never got your name?"
"Noiz. My Name is Noiz."
"How ironic, they're attracted to you."
"You tryna be a smartass or something? Don't think we're friends just because you helped me."
Clear looked away from Noiz, a tiny bit of sadness in his eyes.
"But.." Noiz started hesitantly. The white haired boy looked back up to him.
"It looks like you're the only sane person I'll be finding today. So we might as well stick together."
Clear's eyes lit up in graciousness.
"I'm glad you think so."
"So, tell me..Clear. How do we survive?" He looked at the boy questionably.
"That's easy..." Clear stood up and looked through the blinds covering the window, then turned back to Noiz with a serious expression.
"Don't get bit."

Stick with me (Noiz x Clear Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now