😈🪄Lovers Of Eastwick~ Part 2🧹🖤

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it is! This isn't even reporting, David!" I told him. "It's not a real story! It's just speculations and rumors! You can't just post things like that! You know that!"

"It is true!" Heard nodded. "Depp altered the Lobeaux Mansion, which may I remind you is considered a historical landmark. The town is sueing him for two million dollars. It's all true!"

"Well, what about me, David?" I asked. "How can you do this to me? I've been working for you for five years now. I'm one of your best reporters! When a forest fire broke out two towns over at two a.m, who got out of bed and beat all the other papers to it, huh? Me! I'm a good writer and a good worker!"

"Alright, alright, alright!" Heard held up a dismissive hand to me. "I-I-I... I'm not just the owner of the newspaper, I'm also a family man--"

"It's Amber, isn't it?" I asked softly.

"Yeah," Heard sighed. "She's... she's very sick, Y/N. She's having a hard time right now. And  I'm a father first, I have to do what's right by my kid." His voice was cracking and his eyes welled with tears as he turned to look out the window. "She's looks more like her mother, y'know. Same eyes. But ever since she broke her leg, she hasn't been the same. I don't see her mother in her eyes anymore. I see... I don't know, a stranger. A crazed stranger who's trying to warn me about things I don't understand."

I sighed. I sympathized with the poor bastard. I didn't like being around Amber at the office, but to live with her... it must be rough. I stared down at the paper, clearly Amber influenced his choice in this. It was meant to placate her wailing. He was at his wit's end.

Finally Mr. Heard sniffed and turned back to face me. "What am I doing?" He asked absent-mindedly.

"You're firing me..." I said.

Mr. Heard glanced up at me and shrugged sympathetically. "I understand" he nodded. "I'll send you your severance pay in the mail."

I nodded with a tight smile, before leaving his office.

"Y/N?" Mr. Heard asked.

I turned in the doorway to look at him.

"These things Amber's been saying..." he asked. "They're not true, are they?"


"I think we should stop seeing each other" I told Johnny that night at dinner.

"Hey now," Johnny said as he poured the wine. "Let's not overreact. You just had a bad day, is all."

"You don't understand, John" I shook my head. "It's a small town, people talk. This won't just go away."

"We have not done anything wrong" Johnny told me. "Why would we stop seeing each other?"

"Not permanently" I shook my head. "Just for a little while, until the town cools it's heels. Y'know, Mr. Heard even said that Amber's been having visions of us. She's says she see's the devil here in Eastwick."

Johnny's eyebrows shot up. "The devil? Like this?" He stuck his fingers on either side of his head and wagged his tongue.

"You're not funny" I told him, biting back a smile.

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