"You did not answer my question, Madamsir. Do you like him or not? Yes or no?" Karishma asked piercing into Haseena's soul looking through her eyes.

"I... I told you. I don't know...!"

"Yes or no?"

"Ah... N... Ye... Maybe...?" Karishma flinched her eyes shut realizing Haseena was confused.

"You're not a teenager to not be able to figure out your feelings!" Karishma taunted.

"Yeah...but I may take some time to figure out my feelings." Karishma understood Haseena wasn't wrong, "What would you do if I said I liked him...?" Haseena raised a question out of nowhere.

"I would... accept him as your husband...?" Karishma wasn't sure either, "I must've gone to him and would ask him to not break your heart..."

"Oh please, you're not the type to ask!" Haseena taunted.

"I might've told him off..." Karishma shrugged her shoulders.

"Meanwhile, you would've threatened him," Haseena said narrowing her eyes.

"And if he still hurt you I won't hesitate before killing him!"


At night,

Amar returned a little later than usual. Haseena didn't have to worry for Amar had already texted her and informed her that he would be late. Bunty was still not at home for his school trip was to last for three days. Therefore, he would be coming back tomorrow. Leaving Haseena mortified for she would have to get more embarrassed facing Amar.

Amar entered his room and his eyes met with his wife's. Haseena turned crimson recollecting their proximity. She was more embarrassed when she remembered she had kissed him and asked to see his abs. She cringed in embarrassment.

"Have you eaten?" Amar broke the silence after the whole day.

"Huh?" Haseena didn't realize he was talking to her.

"Have you had dinner?" Amar repeated.

"No..." Haseena slightly nodded.

"Were you waiting for me?" Amar asked casually taking off his wristwatch while standing in front of the dresser.

"Uh... Yes." Her answer took him by surprise and he turned to look at his wife who was now standing near the bed.

"You were waiting for me...?" He couldn't believe he heard right.


Amar immediately went to freshen up and returned in a jiffy, "Let's eat then." He gave a shy smile. Haseena hesitantly smiled back, "You didn't have to wait though..."

"You don't like having to eat alone," Haseena replied.

"Still... What if I couldn't come before midnight?"

"I would have eaten if you wouldn't have returned till 11. But you said you were gonna come around 10. And you did."


After having a nice meal the couple went back to their room only to get awkward remembering the incidents of last night.

"So..." Haseena looked for words.

"So...?" Amar asked if she wanted to say something.

"You can sleep on the bed if you want to," Haseena said nervously chuckling.

"With you!?" Both blushed and looked anywhere but at each other.

"Umm... I was having difficulty sleeping on the couch and so were you." She finished on a go. "We can adjust on the bed," Haseena suggested while she continued her nervous laugh.

"We can make a barricade of pillows!" Amar exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Both laughed nervously, "Not that we haven't slept on the same bed together!" Haseena inwardly slapped herself.

"The ice has been broken!" Amar exclaimed then awkwardly laughed along Haseena.

"If you dared to slide to my side I will kill you!" Haseena suddenly changed her tone.

"Yeah, same here!" Amar spat back, "I'll take the right side of the bed." Amar declared in a rude tone.

"Excuse me...?" Haseena objected, "I'll take the right side!"

"Look, Haseena, I don't want any arguments. I can't sleep if not on the right side."

"Look, Amar, I've been always sleeping on the right!" Haseena declared.

"Okay, then now you must make some changes in your habits."

"Why should I?! You change your habit!"

They did not realize how they were inching closer to each other while arguing.

"I can't! Try and understand I can't sleep on the left side." Amar cried.

"I can't sleep on the left side either."

"Okay, let's do stone-paper-scissors!" Amar suggested.

"Okay. Let's do this." Haseena said with a determined face.

The two then played the game and in the end, Amar won while he made a stone and Haseena made scissors.

"No...! You cheated!" Haseena yelled.

"When did I cheat?!"

"I saw it, you cheated!"

"You know what? You lost and that is why you're blaming me for cheating! I did not cheat!"

"I won't accept this. Let's play another round."

"This is wrong! I won and now you want to play another round."

"See! You don't want to play again because you cheated."

"Okay, let's play another round. And if I win this too, you will sleep on the left and I get to... And I get a kiss!"

"What's with you?! Why do you all the time keep making me kiss you?"

"Because that is the rule! When you lose you kiss the winner."

"Last time, you made me kiss your hand as a punishment!"

"Yeah, even I make Bunty kiss me on my cheek as punishment. Moreover, you didn't hesitate when you were kissing me last night." Haseena blushed once again.

"You're ridiculous!" Haseena spat, "I was drunk at that time. And what do I get if I win?" She furiously tapped her feet on the floor, wrapping her hands over her chest.

"I will sleep on the right and you will get a kiss."

"You! Don't consider yourself over-smart. If I win you will sleep on the left and I get a kiss!"

"So, you don't mind getting a kiss?" Amar raised an eyebrow a sexy smirk appeared on his lips.

"I... I don't want a kiss! If I win I sleep on the right and... and you will buy me ice cream! A large one!"


Both agreed and started the second round and once again Amar won. This time he made scissors and she made a paper.

"Urghh!! I hate you, Amar Vidrohi!"

"Hey, Haseena! Behave! I'm your husband!" Amar acted dramatically, "Now kiss me on my cheek. Come on, hurry up. I'm getting sleepy."

"If you're so sleepy then just go and sleep!" Haseena shot venomously.

"I will. I will. But not without a good night kiss from my beautiful wife." Amar stretched the word 'beautiful' leaning his cheek closer to her, "And yes I want a long one. So, don't hesitate." He smirked.

Haseena made an annoyed face. Forcing herself she held his face with a hand and pressed a long kiss on his cheek.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my wife!" Amar chirped slightly pinching her cheeks and then jumped on his side of the bed.

Haseena fumed but didn't say anything. Giving him a sarcastic smile she landed next to him. Then placed all the extra pillows between themselves creating a wall of pillows as they've decided.

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