Chapter 1

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Twin telepathy

The year in which they live is gonna be modern times. So, it's not gonna be in 1980 something cause I don't remember the year.
It was the night of October 31st. James Potter was downstairs preparing for the arrival of the dark lord; Voldemort. While Lilly Potter was upstairs with the infants; Harry James Potter and Marinette Rose Potter.

Lilly was holding the twins and started speaking to them in a shaky voice. "H-harry, Mari just know mommy loves you very much. Don't ever forget that, I'm so sorry." Just then there was screaming and a loud noise downstairs.

Lilly ran with her children in her arms and laid them in their crib. She knew she was running out of time because she could hear the loud footsteps coming up the stairs. She turned to the door when it burst open.

Voldemort was standing there in the doorway with his wand drawn. "Move woman and I'll spare your life" he spat with venom. But Lilly just started begging for her children's lives saying over and over again "please don't kill my babies, kill me instead. Take me. Just don't harm my babies" tears were streaming down her face and she was standing in front of the crib.

Voldemort had enough and shot the killing curse "AVADA KEDAVRA". And just like that she was on the ground, her lifeless eyes staring up into the ceiling. By now the twins have started to cry. Voldemort just looked at lilly in pity "I'm sorry but this must be done. I can't let that old fool win and corrupt any more." He turned his attention to the crib and raised his wand, while looking at the children he didn't know which one would be his conqueror. So he decided he would kill both of them, "AVADA KEDAVRA" he shot the spell.

But when he shot the spell it backfired and hit him instead. When it hit him a part of his soul was split off and attached to the infants. Therefor making them into horcurex's.


Authors Note
I'm so sorry the first chapter is short. And that it took so long to get out, I was just super busy. I had summer school, was packing/moving and I just started a new school. I'll try to upload more frequently and make the chapters longer. And because this is my first story please no hate comments but constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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