Chapter 2

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Kaoru's grieving went on for months. Her team had gone on to lose the opening game at Koshien and she wasn't even able to be there.

Before she knew it, her second year was about to begin. Her world had flipped so suddenly, and no one knew how broken she was inside.

She maintained her smiling image at school and around her friends. Her physical therapist was impressed with her progress, and even allowed Kaoru to attend team weight training on occasion.

Those days made her happy, they truly did. But the gap in her heart was still achingly empty. Here she was, beginning her second year without a place in the world.

Her softball scholarship wouldn't transfer over to the next school year and she didn't know if she could even stay at the school because of it.

She was lying on her bed doing homework while her team practiced. She had become a sort of tutor for the team. Her phone lit up with a text from Coach Momoi, asking her to meet in the coaches office building.

Hopping out of bed, she quickly dressed in the team's shorts and shirt for weightlifting. Her physical therapist had released her for training, and just because softball was out of the question didn't mean she couldn't participate in some things right?

Walking towards the offices, she was surprised it was already so dark out, the building lights glowing around her. She could hear the sound of the baseball and softball team still practicing.

"What could this be about?" she asked no one, at least, that's what she thought. "When did you start talking to yourself, Bokuto-chan?" asked a sudden voice.

Startled, Kaoru let out an unlady-like screech "Miyuki Kazuya! Don't sneak up on a lady walking alone in the dark!" she was panting, gripping her shirt where her heart felt it was about to jump out of her chest.

"But I don't see a lady? Just a dumbass walking alone in the dark," he said with a grin. Rolling her eyes, Kaoru just resigned herself to his presence.

They walked in a comfortable silence, the two had been classmates and often trained together before her injury. Kaoru was beginning to daydream about all the different things this meeting could be about.

Maybe she was going to be the softball team's official tutor! Not that they really needed it, all of the girls worked really hard in the classroom.

Maybe she was going to be a student assistant coach! She had a lot of knowledge about hitting and game strategy. That had to be it.

Arriving at the building, Kaoru took a deep breath, she was nervous to face her coach. What if this wasn't about anything good? What if she was officially being removed from the team?

"Are you afraid of opening doors now?" Miyuki asked from behind her. Kaoru glanced at him over her shoulder, "shut it, I'm just mentally preparing myself for what might happen," she said.

Miyuki was taken aback by her honesty. The two were not close, they were in the same classroom and saw each other in the weight room often, but they were not friends - at least good enough to share fears with.

Before he could say anything back to her, she grabbed the handle and pulled. The door didn't budge and they both stood there dumbfounded. "How did I mess that up?!?"

Miyuki was laughing hysterically behind her, clutching his stomach with both arms as he cackled. "Stop laughing, Miyuki Kazuya and help me!"

"Awh come on Bokuto-chan, I'm sure you can do it~" he said in a teasing tone. "What was the point of all that rehab if you can't open a door?" he added with a cheeky grin.

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