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Name: Derek Peterson

Age: 16

Height: 5'10

Weight: 220 pounds

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Hazel

Hometown: Queens, New York

Date of birth: February 15, 1980


Education: William H. Maxwell High School

Family Members:

Ashley Peterson (Mother)

James Peterson (Father)

Jade Peterson (Sister)

Rita Peterson (Grandmother)

Norman Peterson (Grandfather)

Kira Peterson (Aunt)

Victor Peterson (Uncle)


Kevin Olsen

Chris Davis

Allison Roberts

Trevor Miller

Love Interest: Jenny Miller

Age: 15

Hair color: brown

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Date of Birth: March 13, 1975

Horoscope: Libra
Height 5'4

(A/N) I know I didn't add her weight but I think it's best not to do that

Published: May 17, 2023

Edited: July 13, 2023

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